Sunday, 30 March 2014

There are moments in life when we doubt ourselves. Well, most of us do, at some point or another. Or so I believe anyway. In my experience it's not the fact that we do this that is the problem. It is how we act that matters. I've found there is a way to be at peace with doubt. It's possible to just sit with it. Let it be. What is beneath can then begin to shine through and doubt, so beautifully, can turn into enough clarity to move forward.
Recently I was in a conversation regarding work where I felt unsure. What I did was allowing space to really listen to the other person, acknowledge her suggestions and accept where she came from. Since I still felt doubt I gave myself the most precious thing I had in that moment: time. I did this by asking if I could ring back. As I hung up I observed and felt any emotion that arose in me. I also spoke to a friend and colleague (who is involved with the situation) and soon more understanding came through. After also feeling my body, recognizing what the situation had triggered in me, I was able to overcome my uncertainty and be clear. I rang back and spoke from this place, with appreciation for our negotiation and for both of us, for who we are. No judgement was needed. No fear was acted out as defensiveness (which can happen) nor was the urge to escape. It felt honest, so doubt fell away. And I let go. The rest is no longer up to me, so to speak. Still with these events ahead of me, I can now ride on top of the wave. Let everything just unfold, as it will.
Freedom is yet again found...

Saturday, 29 March 2014

The pace of life is not set
it is a flow
a delicate rhythm, felt within
from the heart and deeper

We run ahead
get busy and beat
strive or get stuck
but the body knows better

Watch a river move
so fast one moment
slow the next
smoothly crossing obstacles
not fighting the way of things

So there is a way
a place of peace
where trust is nourished
and all is allowed
to be

Eyes will open
the mind accepting
practicing words of care
through any challenge or emotion
and so the river flows...

Hi everybody!

I've decided to start my own blog! How exciting is that! I've been thinking about it for quite some time, so it feels great to finally get started. It will be a place for me to share what comes to mind and through the heart. Since the written word is the best tool I've found to express myself through, it is only natural. As long as I've been able to pick up a pen and write, I've loved it. Diaries, stories, some articles and now a book (in the making) So I guess this is just an extension of what I have already done for years. Insights, inspiration, spirituality and healing are often topics I gravitate towards. Many of you have seen my many inputs on face book. So if you like what I have to say, please go in here when it feels right and see what appears. I don't really know myself yet, since it will be stories out of life, lessons learned and insights that come to me in moments of clarity.

So, I welcome you to join me on this journey!

Hugs, Jeanette