Thursday, 29 May 2014

There is more love in receiving, than in giving. More love in nourishing ourselves, than in constantly spreading ourselves thin. Because a soul who is loved from within, can love others fully. Anything else is just a show. A self promoting act which may be nice, but has little to do with unconditional love. Gratitude serves our inner world because the truly grateful know how to love. They have mastered the delicate art of constant healing, connected to an inner sense of letting go.
From there anything is possible.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

If we try to uphold an image that everything is perfect in our lives, we will rip ourselves off from connecting to others through our wonderful humanity. American Indians knew this well. If a dress was made too perfect, a small rip somewhere would represent this humanness. Also, the saying It's a good day to die speaks of a moment when everything is so perfect that the need for learning is no longer valid. 

Then, the contradiction...

If we instead push our abilities down, make ourselves small and insignificant, we may rip ourselves off from shining from our true essence. Many people who have healed enough, know this truth. They see past the imperfections to a wonderful glory embracing all of what we are, residing in the depth of our hearts, allowing us to fully radiate the beauty of being alive.

So to allow both our strength and vulnerability, is the key. To be successful and able to fail, laugh and cry, be celebrated and uplifted as well as have our heart broken. That is authentic living - a route of acceptance - a journey of love. In my sense it is also a way of letting the doors fly open, so more peace can flood in, more light and laughter. Eventually (hopefully) this may nourish everyone on this glorious Earth, including the planet itself. 

It begins within.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Despite connecting to my inner wisdom on a daily basis and despite sensing a "truth" or two, it is daunting when everything sort of falls down inside, for no particular reason. I mean, when all is as I want it to be on the outside, but somehow old emotions - from other lives perhaps - come crushing in like tsunami waves onto the shore of my own existence. I feel lost, alone and scared right now. Just goes to show that the material world is not the source of happiness, only an extension of our creation. I am happy, though. Funny contradiction, that. I do live where I want to live together with the people I want to be with. This just seems like a forceful energy I've carried inside for god knows how long, needing to be released. Then again, as I reach deep enough I hear a whisper, telling me to let it all go. Just release the grip, it says. Focus on the very situation you are in, only that. To do the best I can in every scenario and situation in my life is all it takes. Easy? Phew. Sounds like it. It's like my soul is testing me right now, to really live fully in the moment. To have goals, yet need nothing. To love people, but without attachment. Most importantly, to love myself regardless. The inner child in me is grieving for some odd reason that I do not understand. It feels old. Ancient even. From another existence when I was not seen or heard in any shape or form.
Time to let it all go.

Thanks for listening.

Monday, 19 May 2014

As soon as we've had a real taste of being true to ourselves and others, it hurts being anything but...

Friday, 16 May 2014

I believe one of the biggest lessons for us humans, is to accept differences. In the core we're all the same, but the blueprint varies. The way our energy is brought forth is very very different. If we come from love and openness we may be one of the fortunate ones, however. To have the wisdom to keep our integrity intact, sharing from that place, as well as enhance empathy and find the importance of a listening ear, is a privilege. It's the height to which we can reach while being a soul in physical form. Cooperation, team work and an honoring of everyone's strength, including our own, will create a network of support and expression. Already happening, but also not. It's our own responsibility to find this within ourselves, to be able lift humanity to a more loving place.
I'm in!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

          An honest exploration of a part of this journey, called life. 

As a sense of being powerless hits my conscious mind, I may despair, but only for a moment. Not wanting to please the ego, I surrender. Fall into the vastness. Allow its intensity. Old inner games, feeding memories of being abandoned - not cared for or listen to - are yet again playing with my mind. Of course (I may say) there is no point dwelling on the old, but neither is it to deny that such emotions appears. If they do, they are ready to free me from its devastating grip. Only Acceptance heals. Resistance keeps it in place. Open like the skies, I may reach a point where the fragile ego can be fully embraced, uplifted by my soothing soul. Powerlessness becomes power, once again, without the need to prove itself in any shape or form. Inner peace expands from such a state. Self love speaking louder than words, to the point of flowing over. And the potential for me to share the riches of who I truly am, with the world, becomes beautifully potent.
While the fire purrs. While the silence of the night lulls me to sleep.
Life is good.

Love to you all!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

           The future

More stillness - less stress

More awareness - less stupidity

More health - less toxins

More hugs - less fighting

More presence - less distraction

More heart - less fear

More smiles - less tears

More people - less politics

More responsibility - less blame

More fun - less striving

More confidence - less hesitation

More sharing - less hiding

More joy - less despair

More love - less hate

More us - less I

Our bodies are amazing - a micro system of delicate yet powerful connections, a web of energy between every component and every single cell. A mini universe, really. And each time we knock ourselves out of balance, our inner machinery is there to heal and restore, eager to create more vitality and joy. All we need to do is refill with the good stuff, eat healthy non-toxic food (as much as we are able to) and add natural vitamins and minerals if we are lacking in this area (there are ways to test that). To also release emotional blocks, often stored from long ago, gives us the potential to clear our cells of the impact suppressed emotion have on our overall well-being. To also find ways to empty our mind and be present, is essential. Connect to our breath and bodies. The latter can of course be done by meditating, but for others a walk on the beach, yoga, a run in nature, a bike-ride, a hike etc etc, is what brings them to the here-and-now.  
Makes sense, doesn't it? And still, we stress. Many avoid their emotions, rushing in order to distract themselves. A lot of the world is set up with cheap fast food and excess of alcohol is a too common practice, as well as drug intake. From the mainstream medical arena, to take prescribed drugs to heal symptoms (rather than going to the core of an issue) is the norm. To vaccinate has become a threat to those who think otherwise, as well as the right to heal in whatever way we wish. Big companies, with profit interest only, has way too much power. To me it's not a conspiracy theory anymore, but a reality. 
Still, I sense that behind the scene, shifts are happening. Silent events of enormous magnitude that cannot be stopped. Such positive awakenings forces people to ask the right questions and choose new ways. Because they want to. Because they feel it is right. Therefore I believe in the future. Therefore I feel that much will change, despite (or perhaps because of) many of the challenging events that are happening in the world right now. True power lies within and when enough humans know what this means, waves of openings will just happen. Already has, but more will come. Many more.
So I believe.