Thursday, 26 June 2014

This is my direct experience:

As human beings we walk around with internal programs, most likely created in childhood, including more or less healthy and/or destructive habits and beliefs systems. We all have suppressed emotions lurking inside of us, in one way or another. We have held onto defenses to protect ourselves, made ourselves look better or held ourselves back so we don't stand out too much. When we are here to truly shine! As we are! No from ego, but with aliveness, passion and love! Like children so often do. 

I am in total awe with the Journey work. I have worked part-time with this amazing tool for inner healing for 10 years and I am still gob-smacked, every time. After helping out at a Journey Intensive in Auckland last weekend, I feel amazing. Just to be in that energy and help others process, have processes done on myself, is a real gift. And to meet people in this way, beyond the games, is freeing in itself. The simple yet powerful way in which these guiding tools can bring us to the core of any matter we are ready to heal, is astounding. So natural, organic, and completely beyond the thinking mind. In a few hours the opportunity is there, to free ourselves of issues we may have held onto for years. At times it takes a few processes, but it is still no time in comparison to the time we have let it run our lives negatively. As we go deep in this way and seek forgiveness, emotions naturally arise. It may be intense, but only for a moment, only to bring us to freedom. It is a journey, though. Not a one-off solution. The more we come to the core of our issues and let go, however, the more love we can experience. We can live with less drama, more clarity and much more joy. 

I so love this work.

Monday, 16 June 2014

All feelings are what they are but one emotion I've struggled to deal with, is guilt. Yes, for various reasons guilt has been a big issue for me in life. Therefore I've been forced to learn about it. Accept it. Heal it. Move on and let go. It used to consume me, totally and utterly. It did so without me knowing, too, which is the sad part. Now when guilt arises I process what I feel and quite soon it leaves my body and being. Still hurts, though. Still feels awful, but only for a moment. See, I know better now. I experience guilt as a poison, tearing on the insides with its sharp claws, preventing my heart from receiving, making me feel like I owe the world something. What a lie. And over the course of my life "tests" have emerged accordingly. In fact, the latest one came my way today. From a place of deep awareness, when someone put that pressure on me, when a person makes me feel like I owe them something (when I don't) I just know it's their stuff now and not mine. True generosity comes from the heart. It flourishes from an unconditional place free of any demands. Nowhere else. Gifts ought to be honored, not craved. I like to give, but not at the cost of my own energy. I like to reside in my heart - live, receive and give from there, always and forever - but I'm still learning. I still make mistakes but the good thing is, I never do it for long. I never get stuck there. Not like I used to. 
This is part of being free for me...

Saturday, 14 June 2014

If we look at everything we are given in life as a gift - if we never take anything for granted - if we open our hearts and expressed gratitude for all that is coming our way - then we'll create a wonderful humble light within. A beauty which will only create more abundance and shine onto others the inner riches which we possess. Material focus and overly competitive minds, sway from this. To experience such gratitude is not a process coming from the head. No, you can never think your way to such a state. It has to be deeply felt. Neither does it mean own nothing. It just gives us the power to know what's important. To understand and trust and learn as we fail, to celebrate and sing when we succeed. To honor everyone who gives to us means we can receive the gifts with grace, and this brings us to a place where our own giving heart can burst open. And see how these gifts will naturally be passed on...

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The freedom of not being sure opens up for trust, faith and letting go, so the flow of life can naturally happen. Often a scary thing to do in a world where we are taught to be in control. We are only in control of ourselves, however. How we react, what we do with our feelings, where we see ourselves in the future. So what we choose in each moment is our ultimate power and what a wonderful power to have. Because from here we can create our outer experience by allowing the law of attraction, drawing to us the very mirror of the reality we see and feel inside.  

That's what I needed to say to myself today....

Monday, 9 June 2014

The secret to our existence is available within. Haven't we all heard this? Many times, too? But what does it mean? Well, I can only share my own experiences because how this is felt, may differ. Then again, I think we all end up in the very same source in the end, as we let go. 

To me it's a whisper, felt rather then thought. It's a moment when I loose touch with my opinions, my past, my plans, and I am present only here and now. It happens when my being is so still that the song of a tiny bird can reach deep into my core, touching the very strings of that which I am made of. It's when my heart is so open that all I feel is love, regardless. A darker route takes me there also. When pain and hurt is so overwhelming that I can barely breathe. When I think it's not possible to go any further into what I feel, when I am tempted to distract myself in any way possible. If I stay still then. If I soften and open, allowing the emotion to be fully felt, the roaring intensity will eventually fade. And there I find it, every time. Light and peace - in an incredible sense of being one with all. From here I just know the truth of each moment for me. What is not of love, hurts somehow. What is of love, clearly directs me. 
