The power of manifestation!
We are all creators of our lives, but it is not a power coming from the thinking mind. Ideas may be nourish there, but the energy of our creations comes from a much wider and deeper place. In my experience, the delicate balance between clear vision and letting go makes such a difference in our ability to manifest. To try and control the outcome may actually propel us away from it. To see it, feel it, envision it, even smell it, but then let go and allow, it opens the channel for the mysterious force of life itself, meeting our wishes in the best possible way. We may have to look ourselves in the mirror at one point, removing obstacles we have internally put in the way of us creating what we wish for. So healing may take place, if we embrace it, just to open for the wonder we have so beautifully envisioned. It may not appear in the way we thought it would, either. If not, it will most likely be something better. Keep ears and eyes open. The key is to be clear and detailed, and then let go.
This is what life has taught me.