Friday, 26 February 2016

I have not written here for sometime. Life's been busy. Good things, challenging things. Healing has taken place and much has come and gone. As a soul in a body I feel somewhat confused by the intense collective energy right now, waves of shifts and transformation hitting the planet and humanity with an unforgiving force. However, I also feel super clear. The path ahead is one of light. It may not seem so, but I believe much will change as enough souls trusts the power of heart. Not to say our shadow self is to be ignored. Rather the opposite. Doubt, fear, sadness, anger, delicate pieces of ego fragments needing to by be met and felt, but not acted upon. With a world full of so many challenges on so many different levels, I sense this undercurrent force, our own, bringing light to the very core of our existence. Naturally done by all those who embrace life in such a way, it may help peace to spread as we join together. Anyone can be part of this, if they so choose. And many are. By taking care of our thoughts, emotions and actions clear intentions can emerge, serving a larger purpose by us being true to ourselves. "To be of value", what a wonderful mantra to follow on this journey called life. To find and do what we truly love and share it around, often becomes this valuable act. Isn't is high time to care more for one another and bring balance to all of life, on this beautiful planet?