Wednesday, 30 July 2014

I've written about this below - emotional evolution and healing - many times and in different ways. It's such an important part of our growth on this planet, individually and collectively, that it's worth going over many times. At least I think so. Change is a process and the spark and insight has to come from within. 
This here is what I constantly cultivate: 

Inner peace is not the same as never being emotional. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Our emotions are only states of being which we move through. What we feel at certain times, for whatever reason, is our human experience. The mistake we often do is that we either suppress our emotions or we gossip about them, or we lash out. If we are still enough and open when an emotion arise, if we fully feel what is going on inside, then it will pass. It's only an experience, not who we are. The energy will simply peak and leave. It's like being in a spinning wheel where the core is moving peacefully, but further out the speed and energy can be quite frantic. We can sit in the middle and experience all of the wheel without getting caught in the storm. We can peacefully flow through life, while feeling all of it all the same. Or, we can let ourselves be thrown into the spin. I wish to find my center in this way since I feel it's not only part of my own evolution, but of the entire world. Our way to peace goes via the within.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

My affirmation right now is something I know of, but is easy to forget. To fear, to doubt, to not believe, is tempting. Impatience is also one of my bad habits. Still, I am abundant. Always and ever. You are abundant. Always and ever. The only one standing in our way, is us.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Abundance is not just about money. It's how we live with inner riches that count, as well as how we handle outer wealth. It's a process of knowing how to create abundance, how to maintain it and how to share it around. Three stages and all part of it. If one stage is stuck, it won't flow that well. We can have little money and live an abundant life or we can have loads, and not be abundant at all. If we horde, we stall. If we don't nourish what we have, we stall. If we are unable to receive, we stall. Our possessions is not who we are. Not at all. If our heart is open we can enjoy any kind of success. Because as the beautiful souls we are, I believe we all are naturally abundant. It's created within.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Frost spreading on the ground outside my window. Glistering like diamonds. Morning light, touching the surface with gentle winter rays. About to make coffee. Feeling my limbs. Kids off in different direction. Only the girl's on the couch. Cartoons on TV. Spots nearly healed. Celebrating. Chicken pox ticked off. Cat curled up, like a fluffy pillow on the chair opposite me. Dog by my side, seeking my touch; paws in the air, soft nose against my skin, eyes of devotion meeting mine. But I look outside. The sky is blue in places, but bulky clouds seem to take over. The sun is quietly ruling. A tail is wagging when I move my hand. The voices of a silly story and the tune of clothes tumbling in the wash machine, is all I hear. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Coffee.
It's Friday, and I'm happy.

Monday, 21 July 2014

I'm against vaccinations. Anyone who has read my face book page knows this since I've been open with my views on this matter for quite sometime. Now, however, I find myself taking a step back from the whole debate. I know what I know and feel in my heart, but I stick to my stance more quietly nowadays. This debate is getting nasty. The accusations, name-calling and rude tone has become something else. In the States even laws are suggested forcing people to be vaccinated. Well, to do something against the true will of others is not of freedom. "Non-believers" fight for the cause, too. It's okay, I guess, but I'm not interested in a fight. What I'm interested in is the truth of the matter, along with so many others out there. I like to spread information and my own experience in simple ways, all so friends and family (perhaps others too) can make a choice from hearing all sides. More than anything else I would like to penetrate the lies around this, or at least find and share information that the mainstream media or the medical forum doesn't provide.

I've been called an armchair scientist because I search for information on the Internet, which is rather odd. That's where you can find information not available elsewhere! It's where, as well as in books and articles, you can read an alternative. Of course you have to be discerning and look closely at what you read, but that goes without saying. By finding reports of direct cases of harm after shots has been the most valuable, yet very sad part. Still, these cases speak for themselves. And, well, there are plenty of those. Initially it was my intuition screaming a loud and clear NO to vaccinations as our first child was born, and my interest in the subject spurred from there. Still, to fight others over "who's right" is both immature and foolish in my opinion. We have the right to choose. All of us do. We have the right to gather information and to weigh pros and cons so we can make decisions right for us. I don't think there is one-answer-fits-all. The freedom to think and choose for ourselves is worth standing up for.

Where I live, so far, this has been reasonably easy. Three healthy non vaccinated kids are my proof of it being the right decision for us. All of what I've learned over the years about holistic health, natural healing and the tremendous pressure the body is under when too many toxins enter into it, is proof enough for me. Something's gone so wrong in this debate. It has actually become personal and threatening. A political matter. A money matter. To me, anyone forcing others to do something to serve their own agenda, hides something. There's no way around this fact as far as I am concerned. Information plus our instincts and the freedom to think for ourselves, is the best base we can stand on. As for the future, many things will come to light around this. I'm sure of it. Lies will be revealed (as all lies are in the end). I hope more people will stand up for their rights, in particular our right to choose. Not just blindly follow what is being suggested. To make an educated decision is so important regardless of what the decision ends up being.

How things will unfold, I don't know. In the meantime, I'm more than happy with our own choice and I accept others, whatever road they may travel.

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

For the reader. This is my own experience, so take it as such. You may have a different take on things. 

Teenagers are great! Our awesome adolescence! Exploring life! Living fully! Well, in my experience they have a wild, free and curious nature (in general) but they are also grumpy and moody, critical and self-centered. Loving, too, but I'm talking about the time when hormones, testosterone, periods and other changes hit their young beings with such a tremendous force that an earthquake is pale in comparison. Not easy! It's good to remember our own teenage years at those times, isn't it? For as parents we have to hold onto our hat. So important to stay focused with an open and loving heart. Behavior and moods varies from child to child, of course, but to understand that being a teenager means massive inner (and outer) changes, is essential in my view. Things will go wrong at times. They just do. Awkward words come out, the wrong actions as well as silly behavior and thoughtless moves. If we as parents base our view from this place rather than thinking that our own child may be an exception (only amazing and never a challenge) then it may be easier. For everyone. We may not judge other teenagers for starters, nor their parents. Our children's friends in particular. For if we stay open when the behavior of other teens go off the rails a bit, then we may have the awareness to be understanding rather than judgmental. We may need to correct mistakes, but with the heart in the right place. To get stuck in comparison is only foolish. Comparing other kids to our own children. No point. I've seen it happen. No good. Instead, what if we became a community that understands our teens? Who work together to set boundaries and examples and act as each others supporters when needed? I've seen that happen, too, which is so great.

Kids will rebel, more or less, but in my experience (so far) the more I trust my teen, the more appropriate behavior I see. It slips, but bounces back. And the more we set clear guidelines and boundaries and give them responsibility, the more our teens will feel safe. They will come for cuddles, talks and quality time. On their terms.

Oh, I might sound like I pretend to know it all here, but believe me, I don't. I just explore the ultimate, often insights found through making mistakes. I find it exhausting but so exciting to parent a teen. I'm lucky, too, because I have the tremendous privilege to have a home where many of our children's friends tend to hang out. I get to know them, guide them, feed them, talk to them. It's fantastic. Such a great bunch of kids. Loud at times. Crazy. Energetic. Full of fun and mixed emotions. Our babies are growing up! But I wouldn't want it any other way. So today I celebrate all parents of teens! We have great kids, ups and downs included, moods and grunts right in the mix.

Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The very moment we feel an urge to defend ourselves, act out or withdraw, precisely then love yourself. Stop and close your eyes. Open your heart. Take a breath and send loving thoughts to you. Surround whatever is going on with light and love. You may want to ask which part that is reacting and nourish that particular part. Often it's the child in us, repeating a pattern of wounded behavior from far back.

This act of nourishing prevents us from judging and it brings our true power back. It can be a humbling, sometimes painful to meet what we truly feel, but always empowering. Compassion and love grows out of such awareness, the very qualities which can heal humanity as well as ourselves. 

It all starts within.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Nothing is ever so important that you can't take a break, a breather, a moment to recharge. In fact, as we begin to honor our energy in such a way, it is as if the universe hears the whisper. Our own trust will nourish the heart, and life begins to flow. A lot will happen with less effort. Our intentions have to be clear, our sense of direction open. To then let go and let everything unfold, is a wonderful magical key. The response is manifestation, so beautifully helping us heal and find what we truly seek.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

More important than academic brilliance is our ability to love, our deep sense of connection. When we stop often enough to feel this connection, we will naturally begin to nourish ourselves and others. Because in our hearts we know. We all sense what is best for us, in each and every moment. And I can tell you right now, it is not to rush from one thing to another. I'm sure of it. At least not when it's done at the cost of our health, our children, our partners in life or our own sense of presence and fulfillment. It's amazing how much more can be done when it's done from awareness and trust. The "doing" just happens then, without force, without a fight, without struggle. There is no race. No need to get anywhere. Only a sense of living a great life of joy and love, of keen initiative and great creative passion. The rest can then happen of its own accord.