Monday, 21 July 2014

I'm against vaccinations. Anyone who has read my face book page knows this since I've been open with my views on this matter for quite sometime. Now, however, I find myself taking a step back from the whole debate. I know what I know and feel in my heart, but I stick to my stance more quietly nowadays. This debate is getting nasty. The accusations, name-calling and rude tone has become something else. In the States even laws are suggested forcing people to be vaccinated. Well, to do something against the true will of others is not of freedom. "Non-believers" fight for the cause, too. It's okay, I guess, but I'm not interested in a fight. What I'm interested in is the truth of the matter, along with so many others out there. I like to spread information and my own experience in simple ways, all so friends and family (perhaps others too) can make a choice from hearing all sides. More than anything else I would like to penetrate the lies around this, or at least find and share information that the mainstream media or the medical forum doesn't provide.

I've been called an armchair scientist because I search for information on the Internet, which is rather odd. That's where you can find information not available elsewhere! It's where, as well as in books and articles, you can read an alternative. Of course you have to be discerning and look closely at what you read, but that goes without saying. By finding reports of direct cases of harm after shots has been the most valuable, yet very sad part. Still, these cases speak for themselves. And, well, there are plenty of those. Initially it was my intuition screaming a loud and clear NO to vaccinations as our first child was born, and my interest in the subject spurred from there. Still, to fight others over "who's right" is both immature and foolish in my opinion. We have the right to choose. All of us do. We have the right to gather information and to weigh pros and cons so we can make decisions right for us. I don't think there is one-answer-fits-all. The freedom to think and choose for ourselves is worth standing up for.

Where I live, so far, this has been reasonably easy. Three healthy non vaccinated kids are my proof of it being the right decision for us. All of what I've learned over the years about holistic health, natural healing and the tremendous pressure the body is under when too many toxins enter into it, is proof enough for me. Something's gone so wrong in this debate. It has actually become personal and threatening. A political matter. A money matter. To me, anyone forcing others to do something to serve their own agenda, hides something. There's no way around this fact as far as I am concerned. Information plus our instincts and the freedom to think for ourselves, is the best base we can stand on. As for the future, many things will come to light around this. I'm sure of it. Lies will be revealed (as all lies are in the end). I hope more people will stand up for their rights, in particular our right to choose. Not just blindly follow what is being suggested. To make an educated decision is so important regardless of what the decision ends up being.

How things will unfold, I don't know. In the meantime, I'm more than happy with our own choice and I accept others, whatever road they may travel.

Thanks for listening.

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