Tuesday, 28 October 2014

When any action comes from love, healing within is natural. When stuck in fear, what is feared may actually be realized. In contradiction, to fully feel fear is different. That allows it through, which is a true blessing. The resistance to fear is what keeps the emotion trapped, enhancing the experience with no way out. To love the self in fearful moments allows the energy, the love being like a soft buffer, urging the emotion on and out. A letting go of intensity can then take place, without attachment or further ado. Fear, so often, is nothing but the imagination of what could be, not a mirror of actual events. Can be at times, but more often than not it is a total illusion, only created within the mind. To open and soften and feel fear fully, is indeed a momentary process. Freedom and light awaits, every single time, as the breakthrough is complete.

That is my direct experience.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Ego is sneaky. Its obvious game is an egocentric one. Hurtful actions and selfish moves. Then again, it may also convince me that I'm acting from the freedom of Soul, even when I'm not. The Ego may sacrifice the beauty of who I am in order to give, all to feel worthy. The Ego may do a lot of good, create great things, entertain, lead and make peace, and it is still not an act of freedom. It is a way to avoid feeling something. The snarls of Ego are many and the only way to know my inner truth, is to fully open. To allow games, strategies, hurt, pain and/or anger to come forth, and then see what remains in its wake.
The Soul can do all of the above, but without being attached to the outcome. The Soul is happy to fully shine and will celebrate others as they do the same, without an agenda or condition in place. The power of Soul will love, unconditionally and fully. Honesty is spoken, but with no need. Integrity comes naturally. A sense of being fully here, each moment of every day, is a sign of living a life from Soul. 

On the outside things may not differ a great deal, but on the inside it will. And ultimately many things will change. Because to live a life from Soul, with the Ego as a passenger rather than the driver, it is (to me) a life of uttermost freedom. The Ego will be there, say it's piece at times, but with awareness I can see and penetrate the game quite soon. Gently I move back to the truth of who I am. The Ego needs my love, but not my attention. The Ego has to be there, but will no longer drive.

And so the journey continues...

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Our own needs has to come first. Not from an ego place, but from a natural place of care for oneself. To nourish the energy, body and emotions of that which we truly are, can only lead to a cup so full it overflows. Naturally. Of its own accord. Because a healed heart will speak of peace. A healthy body have energy to spare. A free mind will speak soothing words, uplifting those in need. Emotions felt and honored prevent judging, as - over and over - feelings are allowed to move through. Light may be find at its core, without striving, without force, every time. An expression of love in every breath, effortless like a flowing river. 

What a wonderful journey to be on!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

As my surrender goes deep enough, I fall into softness. My being is letting go. Nothing has to be controlled from here. Trust is within reach. A profound acceptance welcomes an inner joy that just is. An opening, into each moment. This, rather than achieving anything. At the same time, the joy of moving patiently towards a goal is part of that freedom. Without striving. Without the need to prove anything. I sense this, but am not fully there yet. Here in India, in the company of such gorgeous allowing souls, my every cell wishes to ease the tension of holding on. The Journey of deep inquiry and healing continues, and I completely welcome the fire of it.