Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Our own needs has to come first. Not from an ego place, but from a natural place of care for oneself. To nourish the energy, body and emotions of that which we truly are, can only lead to a cup so full it overflows. Naturally. Of its own accord. Because a healed heart will speak of peace. A healthy body have energy to spare. A free mind will speak soothing words, uplifting those in need. Emotions felt and honored prevent judging, as - over and over - feelings are allowed to move through. Light may be find at its core, without striving, without force, every time. An expression of love in every breath, effortless like a flowing river. 

What a wonderful journey to be on!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jeanette. That was just what I needed to hear. My needs first is my lesson at present.
