Tuesday, 13 January 2015

There is a way to look at the world, which is common. A gaze and energy, seeing through our own filter and history, our beliefs and our experiences, good or bad. Years of information gathered and we meet the world from this place, which can hurt or it can serve others and ourselves. Quite well, too. 

Then there's the wider way. 

As the eyes and heart really opens. As a sense of oneness is felt into the core and, more importantly, as what we sense is trusted, a delicate "knowing" may arise from the depth of our soul. Larger than the body/being/person that we are in this life, it's a connection to the divine. The bigger picture may then be seen and felt for what it is, something which can trigger resistance and fear in others. Many amazing truths can be expressed from this place, but it does require integrity, not to mention a deep sense of responsibilty. Such capacity has to be used well. 

An open heart allows it all in. The clear ability to distinguish between energy that just is contra the energy we are leaning on to form an identity and persona, is forever potent. Intuition is the key, not the thoughts from the thinking mind. There are traps because arrogance can play with anybody in such a state, rudely bringing thoughts of gain into these purer parts. It may think we are more or better because we know and see, or it may deny such magnificence. Both born out of fear. A deep love of self may save us, so the ego can't take control. Then again, the journey of any being is perfectly imperfect as it is, even when we sway from this "ultimate path." Our choices serve as reminders, that we are forever free to walk this earth according to our free will. As long as we are willing to meet the consequences of our actions. Our choices are always our own, but with an understanding of the divine - which we are so beautifully in touch with if we allow it - we may choose the higher road more and more. As we do, we may find that we move forward as one. The soul can deliver messages from this place on a basis of sharing, not gaining. On the basis of true trading, not profiting. A way to enhance, not break away. 

And so love can heal the world...

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