Monday, 25 August 2014

Fear and courage, beginning to really get along inside me. One is not the opposite anymore, only an aspect of itself. A brave step may trigger fear, but it does not ever own my mind, nor my heart. The light inside has earned its presence, claimed a permanent abode in more places than ever. Healing is flooding the shady corners, bringing love to what remains in the dark. Trembling, but not alone. The game has changed. No more chessboard of opposites. Black and white, trying to out-do one another. That is of the old. For I see a golden player, rising up like a star. Thriving on integrity it holds a wisdom wider than me, craving my attention with the strength of a roaring lion. Any heart can open from such a place. To let it in, I am forced to surrender. To share its beauty, I find myself giving for no reason at all. In fact, when fear is felt it can be of help, serve as a reminder of the fragile human experience. Because of just that it empowers such a soul and may aid as I strive for excellence, as I seek to bring out the best in me. Mistakes are allowed and flaws are part of that equation, but neither are ever a measurement of my true existence. Focus becomes pertinent. To enjoy, a simple formula to follow for the rest of my life. Too tired to live superficially, the upholding of any image is crumbling. The pace is slower, yet that which is important gets done. The present moment is always within reach, bringing its validity to the forefront. We are creatures of such grace, humble by nature, often more so than we allow ourselves to be. It's a choice of the heart, difficult for the ones who have settled for less. The ones who believe the value of their being is tinier than that of others. Either the game of arrogance is played, or the victim perhaps, or control issues rule, keeping many great souls lost in this illusion. The clearing of these beliefs may re-set the game board. Sudden shifts can blow the old right out of the water. If we only dare to go there.

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