Tuesday, 12 August 2014

To go against my own "norm" can be challenging, however much I wish to change my ways. The memory of what has been is safe. A human trade. To hold on. To stick to the known. All while life is all but that. Life is a mystery to unfold. A moment to moment journey of the heart. If we dare to follow the impulse, that is. The extraordinary depth of love calling us home. To capture it we've got to pay attention. Then again, in truth we cannot capture anything. We can only allow. And the dazzling truth of each moment shall whisper in our ear, if we are brave enough to listen. 
Routine and organization has a place, but a delicate act of balance will bring mystery into that. To trust that all is good whatever happens, is not an easy task for my frightened human mind. However, the magic of life will never break what's important, only add wonder to the settled base I've already created. Then again, at times the "norms" are completely blown out of the water. They have to be. Perhaps I loose my footing. If I get too comfortable. If I trap myself in the snares of my own ego. In the wild there is no comfort. Such trust was forgotten. Dependent beings may grasp for truth in material things, in proof, in all of that which is tangible. The scales has tipped too far towards the physical and logical. Forgetting, so sadly, about the great mystery. 
It is changing, though. The scales are shifting. The power of each individual is that of a roaring lion, not a sheep in a herd. The modern world has denied so much. Yet, the seams are bursting. The potential within is crying to come out. How much longer can we cover ourselves with endless stories? Ideas based on emotions we're ready to move on from? Any web of safety will make me fuzzy and warm, but it may be what's trapping me in my illusion. The contradictions are many, since everything has meaning all the same. Every moment, every leaf, every piece of matter. It's how we identify our own value on the things outside of ourselves, that holds us back. Sticks in the wheel of life, preventing the flow. It has also been used by some of those in power. To keep us blind. It's time to stand strong and trust that we are lions, not sheep. That we are great sparks of light, not the ashes below the flames. Powerful, responsible and capable, we are souls on this Earth here to create miracles. In small or large ways, it doesn't matter. Claiming our true essence is a recap of the innocence we knew at the beginning of life, only to live it fully with the awareness of our years. 
The time has come.

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