Friday, 25 April 2014

Each time we are challenged in life and are able to by-pass unhealthy judgement, we can own our own reaction, feel the emotions and let go. And if we persist, a wonderful pattern of constantly freeing ourselves, can begin. Quite simple in terms of the process, but difficult due to the culture many of us have been brought up in. With the western world being fast, attached to achievement and intellectual status, we often get stuck in projecting; an act separating our true self by seeking approval and/or power via the outside world. To honor the individual at the cost of a sense of community, may happen as a result. Even so, softened by the need to come together, things are changing. We can see it in social media and the overall consciousness. Humanity is waking up. And to maintain our focus on that which evolves positively as a whole, can bring forth what really is important. Values no money can buy can then be pushed to the forefront; family, community, creativity and so forth. Because as we focus less on money and profit, our inner passion has a chance to flourish. More emphasis can be on health and the environment, not to mention a different kind of success, the kind serving others as well as ourselves.

And so we shall have a life of love.  

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