Wednesday, 2 April 2014

For anyone out there who know they are sensitive energetically, this bit is for you. You may have felt more tired and pushed, even weird lately. I certainly have. I just read how the collective energy around our planet and humanity is fast moving at the moment. April will be like pressing "fast forward." I read that sensitive people, souls who have chosen to be so-called light workers of this time of our evolution, will feel this acutely. There are quite a few of us around. You know if this is your path. These are beings who channel the new energy through themselves, to anchor it into the Earth. That is simply speaking anyway. It can be very intense at times. And in the article I read it said that these people may need a bit extra care during this period. Interestingly, I read this on Monday. On Tuesday evening I hardly slept because so much energy was flowing through me. My crown Chakra (on top of my head) was buzzing. I was wired and wide awake, yet tired all the same. Then the next day I was completely wiped out. Phew. So I cancelled our dance lesson and Yoga on Thursday morning, and slept. I slept and slept and slept, for pretty much 15 hours straight. Incredible. As I finally woke I felt joy again. I experienced an intense stillness and bright awareness. Very acutely so. All colors around me had a stronger vibrancy too them. So beautiful.
I also had a little guardian angel looking after me while I slept. Our gorgeous dog Chessie. She stayed under my side of the bed the entire time, even into the day (apparently she even refused to come out when the kids called her). As I finally woke up she was all over me with licks and cuddles. Bless her.

Wonderful times ahead, so allow yourself to rest fully when needed during this time. Pay attention to your dreams (I was dreaming like crazy last night) and look after yourself. What is happening is important and amazing. So hang in there!

Love Jeanette

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