Sunday, 13 April 2014

Ego is the pain of needing something to be of value, based on the fear of not being enough without such a validation. To appreciate and enjoy compliments and feed-back, is not necessarily ego based. The games of ego vary from person to person. Meaning, it's not just the self-centered that operate from such a place. Even the act of giving may come from ego, if it comes from the need to be validated as a good giver. A drive to be successful, unique, knowledgeable, fun. The ways to satisfy the ego are endless. Still, all these above can be experienced from freedom rather than ego, which is the potential as we heal. In the chase of worthiness, our ego needs love. Our own love. Because as we recognize and love ourselves, flaws and all, our judgements begin to settle. The heart opens. Joy flows in. Freedom is felt. Then again, the ego can be sneaky. We have to constantly learn how this needy part craves our attention, how it tries to be validated by the outside world. To send love to ourselves before we judge, withdraw, preach or try to pull others into our game, is essential. Love is the answer. A cliche perhaps, but no less true. It is the deep acceptance of ourselves that will bring us to our true core. It is a journey, emotional clarity and healing leading us there. Perhaps the deepest reason to why we are here on earth. From such a profound depth it is impossible to judge or if we do, the letting go is not far away. Forgiveness becomes natural to such a soul. We don't have to like everything we see and experience, far from it, but in this state of liberation we are no longer stuck in the needs of ego. We have befriended that part to such a degree that it doesn't have to do its dance. Perhaps this is enlightenment. Perhaps just inner peace. What is for certain is that life is a road of many pitfalls and struggles but the ones seeking the freedom of heart, will begin to find it, one step at the time, revisiting its wisdom each time the road is lost. Because the urges of ego is no less than a separation from our true selves.

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