Thursday, 30 April 2015

Imagine if we are created in the image of our greatest self, and that this part is what we on earth call God!? Not necessarily a religious God. For some it can be, but it's not what humans has created in terms of fighting others in the name of their God (whatever name is used for it). What if we all are an aspect of this ultimate light and love. Connected to a divine spark, alive in the very core of our soul. What if, if we stop and listen carefully to our heart, we will find a sense of peace, connected to something much larger than our small self. We may sense that we are part of a bigger picture, understanding that perhaps we have chosen this life we live right now. To learn. To grow. To develop as beings. Then, when our life is over, we may find ourselves in the eternal vastness once again, a place of home in which we dwell and evolve after we have passed over. What if we could see that we are part of this vastness all the time? If we healed enough to nourish one another rather than fight others for what they believe, then perhaps we can begin to experience harmony on this earth. No one has to believe what I have written above, not by a long shot. But if you accept, if you have the integrity and compassion to see others for what and who they are (and see yourself in the same manner) then you already know the power of love. I feel the other side. The light, the angels, at times I sense loved ones who have passed over. My experiences speak for themselves, therefore I believe it to be true. In the end of the day, though, what matters most is how we treat one another, how we treat ourselves, the animals and this beautiful planet we live on.
Honor your journey and honor the journey of others, and in that, I believe, we can find peace. 
Sitting here still
before this fire
twirling flames of promise
a soothing warmth
beyond the roles I play
I am embraced
I am held
by silence
I am complete
and free
in vastness
in an ocean of waves
in this
only here
easier than being involved
no needs
no demands
only this
the light of home
in this moment
with the angels
for what?
I dive within
and feel love

Monday, 27 April 2015

There's a point in the core of the belly, sort of below the belly button and inward, that I've been very aware of lately. After the intense and deeply healing seminar I attended in February this year, with the specific theme of "visionary leadership", I felt energy shift through the emotional healing I went through, resulting in a wider opening of this precise area of my body. This opening has become wider since then and what I'm experiencing now, daily, is downright amazing. Like a profound connection to the universe as a whole, while still being a tiny tiny speck in the vastness of it all.

Watching the movie "Interstellar" brought me there, as well as yesterdays journey process where my awareness went straight to this point. Anyone who've gone through a physical journey knows about the part when "the vehicle moves through the body." Mine went straight to the belly and was quickly brought into a rapid spin, in a sort of fast moving spiral. Quite intense, I must say. As it slowed down I saw an opening. A strong image of the night's sky, filled with stars, appearing before my inner eye in a still, yet vivid way. Next minute I was part of it, feeling one with what I saw. A rubber band held me back, though, until I could clear the old emotion, from 3 months of age, which was actually my father's emotions, feelings of unworthiness that I unknowingly had taken onboard. Forgiveness came about and the letting go that followed was subtle, but strong (if that makes sense). What a wonderful contradiction. 

Then today, funny enough, I came across an article about that exact point in the body. In the article it was called "the brain in the belly", explaining it as a link to wider and deeper wisdom and also to our inner gut feeling. It had a name in Japanese, hara I believe it said (or something close to that). It also said that in the Japanese culture, when there's a sense of knowing, often they point to the stomach (this part) not their head.

Interesting. Very interesting. And so the inquiry continues...

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

What has come up a lot for me lately, are strong messages of the power and ability to stop. It's spoken of within the work that I do. It seems to pop up elsewhere. Stopping is not collapsing or giving up in any way, but a feeling of a complete pause. The sensation is felt in the core of my torso, like a dazzling stillness, a clear sense of no movement at all. It's not an empty moment, not by far, but a highly alert one. Including the so often busy mind, this stillness seem to firmly calm all thought. 

As the soothing breath finds the pulse of my heart, I remain a little longer than anticipated, just to find an opening. Reminding me of flower petals, ready and ripe, the one I am may carefully open to the light. Leaving fears and inner games behind, I quietly thrive. Freedom may walk in, like a loved one who never actually left. Joy may arise, a strong sense of oneness overwhelming my senses. Sitting with someone in this way, as they perhaps experience intense emotions, is no less than divine. The embrace, carrying a delicate mystery of existence itself, seem to naturally serve the moment. Not by doing, but by simply being. It's like a space in between, a moment of no time in which all acceptance and potential lies. Much bigger than the being I am, it appears to expand out. To all that is. Tentacles of life's greatness, always reaching every corner. If I allow them. This is my direct experience. Words can gently float in and out of this stillness, away from the thinking mind, a direct connection to a deeper part of the soul. Healing becomes simpler from here. There's room to move, to flow, to let go. The exquisite power of being fully present, the only place from which we truly exist, carries a truth of that precise moment. 
The invitation to stop is whispering. In the midst of life's busyness, it's calling me. Home to myself, to the universe and every living being there is. Vibrating beautifully with life, there really is only now.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

A dialogue between people has two conversations. Rarely do they connect as one, but as they do, what is said is aligned with the truth of that moment. This may happen in both listening and sharing, as opinions and agendas fall away. In the first scenario words may arise from a need to fit in, please, control, conform, impress, connect, suppress, dictate, judge, win, gain, give, support, nourish or lead. Phew. The ego has so many places to land. Our deeper voice is not like that. It comes from a vast place of presence. From there, we may share from our emotions or from direct insight, as a current experience of a larger awareness, not from our limited ego. Tears can flow, anger can arise, laughter can fly wild. Not containing a label, it is expressed with a sense of inner knowing. Knowledge is based on the already known, but knowing is what's real right there and then. The self is a vessel for the expression, not the owner of it. And so we become a vehicle for wisdom rather than knowledge.

Imagine if we spoke and communicated from this place all the time. There's a word for it in India - Satsang. It means "in the company of truth." To sit in a group of a few or many, when whoever speaks is invited to do so from a place of inner freedom and authenticity, it is so liberating. I've experienced this many times. It is amazing. It tends to open the heart to what we are truly made of - Love. Peace comes if we see ourselves and others as we are, if we accept differences rather than force a separation from others by judging. This opens the heart, which the world needs so much more of.

This power is in our hands.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The realm we live in is really just a playground for us, all the souls who have chosen to take form on Earth. This is a fantastic place to learn, to fulfill our purpose, to love and grow. Amazing how we complicate things, us humans. We get wrapped up in the game of it, which may kill the inspiration of spirit, suffocate it in the dense illusion of matter, a blanket over the spark which brought us here. Healing, love, laughter and letting go, as well as allowing pain, fear, hurt etc, will funnel us back to the core of who we are, every single time. It's easy to be so serious about life. As we know, it will end one day in this form. We will probably be sad on our death bed if look back and find that all we did was being serious and bogged down by the details of life. Rich or poor. Sick or healthy. Happy or sad. There are miserable people in every arena, as well as joyously open ones. It's amazing how that inner joy really doesn't depend on outer circumstances. Someone may say it's easy for me to say who have a great home, a family who loves me, fantastic kids, a wonderful husband, passions, security. Then again, that is precisely why I can say it. See, I've had moments of feeling useless, worthless, not confident, so afraid and restricted, despite having all of that. I had to learn to love myself in order to appreciate the richness of life, because the things or people could never fully do that. Then when I began to truly heal, an immense gratitude for all the gifts I'm surrounded by, began to rise. Like bubbles of joy in my heart and consciousness. A wonderful life, in all its aspects, begins with that spark, that open heart of who we are.