Tuesday, 21 April 2015

What has come up a lot for me lately, are strong messages of the power and ability to stop. It's spoken of within the work that I do. It seems to pop up elsewhere. Stopping is not collapsing or giving up in any way, but a feeling of a complete pause. The sensation is felt in the core of my torso, like a dazzling stillness, a clear sense of no movement at all. It's not an empty moment, not by far, but a highly alert one. Including the so often busy mind, this stillness seem to firmly calm all thought. 

As the soothing breath finds the pulse of my heart, I remain a little longer than anticipated, just to find an opening. Reminding me of flower petals, ready and ripe, the one I am may carefully open to the light. Leaving fears and inner games behind, I quietly thrive. Freedom may walk in, like a loved one who never actually left. Joy may arise, a strong sense of oneness overwhelming my senses. Sitting with someone in this way, as they perhaps experience intense emotions, is no less than divine. The embrace, carrying a delicate mystery of existence itself, seem to naturally serve the moment. Not by doing, but by simply being. It's like a space in between, a moment of no time in which all acceptance and potential lies. Much bigger than the being I am, it appears to expand out. To all that is. Tentacles of life's greatness, always reaching every corner. If I allow them. This is my direct experience. Words can gently float in and out of this stillness, away from the thinking mind, a direct connection to a deeper part of the soul. Healing becomes simpler from here. There's room to move, to flow, to let go. The exquisite power of being fully present, the only place from which we truly exist, carries a truth of that precise moment. 
The invitation to stop is whispering. In the midst of life's busyness, it's calling me. Home to myself, to the universe and every living being there is. Vibrating beautifully with life, there really is only now.

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