A dialogue between people has two conversations. Rarely do they connect as one, but as they do, what is said is aligned with the truth of that moment. This may happen in both listening and sharing, as opinions and agendas fall away. In the first scenario words may arise from a need to fit in, please, control, conform, impress, connect, suppress, dictate, judge, win, gain, give, support, nourish or lead. Phew. The ego has so many places to land. Our deeper voice is not like that. It comes from a vast place of presence. From there, we may share from our emotions or from direct insight, as a current experience of a larger awareness, not from our limited ego. Tears can flow, anger can arise, laughter can fly wild. Not containing a label, it is expressed with a sense of inner knowing. Knowledge is based on the already known, but knowing is what's real right there and then. The self is a vessel for the expression, not the owner of it. And so we become a vehicle for wisdom rather than knowledge.
Imagine if we spoke and communicated from this place all the time. There's a word for it in India - Satsang. It means "in the company of truth." To sit in a group of a few or many, when whoever speaks is invited to do so from a place of inner freedom and authenticity, it is so liberating. I've experienced this many times. It is amazing. It tends to open the heart to what we are truly made of - Love. Peace comes if we see ourselves and others as we are, if we accept differences rather than force a separation from others by judging. This opens the heart, which the world needs so much more of.
This power is in our hands.
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