Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The realm we live in is really just a playground for us, all the souls who have chosen to take form on Earth. This is a fantastic place to learn, to fulfill our purpose, to love and grow. Amazing how we complicate things, us humans. We get wrapped up in the game of it, which may kill the inspiration of spirit, suffocate it in the dense illusion of matter, a blanket over the spark which brought us here. Healing, love, laughter and letting go, as well as allowing pain, fear, hurt etc, will funnel us back to the core of who we are, every single time. It's easy to be so serious about life. As we know, it will end one day in this form. We will probably be sad on our death bed if look back and find that all we did was being serious and bogged down by the details of life. Rich or poor. Sick or healthy. Happy or sad. There are miserable people in every arena, as well as joyously open ones. It's amazing how that inner joy really doesn't depend on outer circumstances. Someone may say it's easy for me to say who have a great home, a family who loves me, fantastic kids, a wonderful husband, passions, security. Then again, that is precisely why I can say it. See, I've had moments of feeling useless, worthless, not confident, so afraid and restricted, despite having all of that. I had to learn to love myself in order to appreciate the richness of life, because the things or people could never fully do that. Then when I began to truly heal, an immense gratitude for all the gifts I'm surrounded by, began to rise. Like bubbles of joy in my heart and consciousness. A wonderful life, in all its aspects, begins with that spark, that open heart of who we are.

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