Sunday 6 April 2014

                                     The light and wonder that we all are

The more present I become. The more I allow each moment to fully embrace me. The more affected I am by stress and/or superficial encounters. I wish to honor others and feel honored back. Not so much for achievements, but for the gifts we were born with (and have nourish through life). For that which makes us thrive. I wish to laugh, share and listen, in equal measure. We all have gifts. Treasures which ought to be celebrated and brought forth. Because the light in our eyes and the abilities we possess, are so very golden. We are different, of course. Yet again, at the core we are not. The downplaying of greatness can really hurt me. It hurts when I do it and when others do it, to ourselves or others. To uplift our beauty and strength, sharing openly when we see it in another, is a true privilege. And when any of us are vulnerable, speak of it with love. Feel it. Allow it. No judgement. No defenses. No drama or hiding. We are strong, but have moments when we are not. All of us feel this, more or less. To be soft and kind to our fragile human ways, is essential. Because with such openness, beauty is enhanced. Our souls can beautifully dazzle and love, in every direction, shall multiply and expand.
So I think it is. For humanity to be brought into a wonderful greatness.

Have a great, loving and beautiful week! Jeanette

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