Tuesday, 30 December 2014

This is my experience: 

A choice can be made in each and every moment. Living in gratitude may be cultivated, despite challenges and other happenings in life. There is no shortcut to a place of such joy, however. To preach it without its true meaning, makes for an artificial idea. Ideas are great, but they go no deeper than the head, which is on top of our shoulders (of course). To be genuine we have to fully feel what is obscuring, covering, holding back the deeper light in us. Out heart has to open and our heart will love, regardless. This is a choice; our journey to this place inside. Rewarding every time, to come back to such freedom. I still get tangled up in fear, anxiety, expectations contra disappointment (of things not turning out the way I wanted) but with awareness the road out is never long. Intense perhaps, but short. And the heart can open like a flower, filled with love, again and again and again. What a wonderful life.

A Happy New Year to All!

Love J

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

As we speak and connect to others from an honest and genuine place, it is felt. We can "learn how to be", but the best way, I feel, is to express our own uniqueness with less need to impress or achieve, and more sharing who who we truly are. Ironically, this is when we "perform" the best. This is usually when others can truly hear us, not to mention appreciate us. This is what I saw in my son's end of year speech yesterday. I encouraged this, and he delivered. Naturally. Without putting on a show. Only he and what he felt at this particular time in his life. It was felt by everyone, I think. The feed-back was phenomenal. When someone speaks from the heart like that, it is felt. The words have more meaning because so often we can relate then, in one way or another. 

Love love love and Merry Christmas!


Sunday, 14 December 2014

An old stubborn part of my mind is chasing something. An acknowledgement, from the outside world, which is not needed to feel fulfilled. This part believes it is, though. It thinks I need permission to be free. I know of it as an illusion, but find it hard to shake. It's as old as my life's journey and beyond. And in the wake of not finding such acknowledgement, resentment awaits. Like a harsh wall, threatening to rise between me and others. Then again, what is different nowadays is that I'm not blind. I see it, taste it, feel it, and aim to let it go. Intensity only means that I am meeting its ugly face, surrendering to love once more. An inquiry as old as the universe, but also as false as fake smiles. Oh, life - a journey ongoing, everlasting, but oh so beautiful. 
Love, always at its core, embraces. 

Happy December everyone!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Life has brought me in all sorts of directions lately, so I haven't had time to write on here for a while. As for this moment, the sun is shining and I have a few insights to share. 

Yesterday I felt nausea and was suffering from quite a throbbing headache. I was tired, but also I felt drained. I knew I had to take it easy, but not by using any form of media or other lazy stimulant. So in the afternoon I lay down on our outside couch, and totally relaxed. I was comfortable. Birds were singing and the air was warm as I began to breathe, deeply and consciously, to release any tension. So much so that I eventually couldn't feel my physical body at all. Instead I became aware of my authentic presence inside my body, a part which I sense is eternal. 
I lay absolutely still, not even a fingertip was moving. The sense of reaching beyond any pain or discomfort was now pertinent, in particular as I asked the angelic realm for assistance. The only thing still moving was my own breath, deeply and gently, in and out of my body in even, relaxing waves. After a few minutes of this a tingling was felt, and after that I lost track of time. Still, I had to pick my son up in town so the alarm was already set for just after five, which meant I had 35 minutes up my sleeve. 

I stayed in this position for the entire time, just to open my eyes as the alarm went off; the headache now gone as well as the nausea, completely and utterly. A feeling of healing and vitality filled my entire being and as I rose, the discomfort didn't return. It was over.

This reminded me of the tremendous power we have within; as we open, as we let go and become still. How glorious! For it is free! Available at all times and part of who we are! It may take a bit of practice to connect in this way, but it is there inside everyone. I'm sure of it. To stop and stay still may sound so simple, but nevertheless. In my experience it is deeply profound.

Worth a try! Any day!

All the best, 

Monday, 24 November 2014

This is my experience: 

The absolute best gift we can give ourselves and others is to honor whatever passion, joy and truth we have in the depth of our being. To love every part as it is. To allow healing and changes as they occur within that love, to naturally happen. Ah, what treasures to behold. As an opening to a wider consciousness takes place, we may find that we are forever supported by life itself. We are the creators, first by our initiation and then by letting go. The contradictions of the universe are many. By being respectful to who we truly are, by honoring what we promise ourselves and others, virtues holding any soul to a high standard, is a privilege. Not a standard of a "high horse", but a place of love. Honesty and integrity are tools on such a journey. The light inside may then be brought forth, so all else can fall away. In the shadow of our being may we love love love, not only in the light. May forgiveness be the door we walk through, to find what is hidden within such a blessed act of Grace.

All is here, in this moment of existence. All is here.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

As advice is given in a moment of openness, the best way to receive it (in my experience) is to listen carefully, but not take the words literally. Instead, let them inspire. Let the words bring the best out of our own expression. It means meeting another soul on equal ground. The ego can diminish as our soul is free to speak from such inspiration, brought to the forefront by the truth of another. A truth, by the way, that is the same at the ultimate core, only different in its outer form. 

Everyone is a student and a teacher, for the journey of life is one of learning and sharing. Leaders will see leaders in the eyes of those following them. Followers will be touch not only by the strength, but by the vulnerability and honesty of any leader who have overcome their need to dominate, and found a way to truly serve. 

We are different, yet the same. We have different ways to contribute, through the depth of our heart, our skill, passion and joy. As we recognize such expression, in ourselves and others, the steep walls of separation may fall away. Helping us, meeting as one.

And so, beyond the outer edges of body and mind, revealing the infinite, the ego may find the courage to step aside. Surrendering, like leaves to the current, opening itself to a wider depth. Light can then lead the way. Rose pedals, red like the color of love, filling the spaces in between. Forever equal, magnificent and tender, it's time to fully celebrate,

and come home. 

Monday, 17 November 2014

To live a life of constant surrender, is an act of Grace. To follow the passions of heart. To let go of all effort. To just turn up in life. It requires much of the ego yet very little of the soul.  

Integrity is needed, and openness. Without courage, it is hard. Without willingness, impossible. Without love, probably doomed. 

When action comes from inspiration, rather than strive, much can be done with such ease. To allow emotions fully is a path to a glorious state of forgiveness. A birthright every woman and man came to this earth with. 

And so a life of inner peace can evolve and deepen. Not as a constant. Not as a rule. But as a core of each experience. Involved, passionate and completely alive, naturally spreading to others around.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Moments of sunshine, making my day. Remembering, oh remembering, to move slowly. All in the knowledge that whatever needs to happen, will do so. If I don't strive so hard. If I don't attempt to be in control of it all. I understand that if it is created in my mind, all I have to do is relax, allow and follow. To effort cost too much, but it is tempting. So tempting. The body tells me the pace as my mind tries to race ahead. Because life has a way of unfolding, so beautifully, if I let it. As the intentions are clear. As my heart is open and free.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

In the wake of a most wonderful, hugely transformational week in India, I find myself resting in a place of surrender and joy. I have done a lot of inner healing in my life. I've had many major breaks and experiences of letting go, on quite a few occasions actually. Only this time I feel I cracked an inner game that I have been very reluctant to look at. Guilt, shame, fear, all combined, has been forced up, protecting and shielding me from feeling and exposing what I so needed to release. Then again, I see a pattern. Last time in India I dealt (very deeply) with father issues - the masculine side of me. This time, it is the feminine. Softening. Nurturing. Dealing with core parts of myself. And to have Peter there was such a blessing. He opened like a flower in his own processing, which was beautiful and humbling to see. 

What a gorgeous soul/man I am married to. 

One of the illusions I found was my strange inner belief, very tucked away, that I am not worthy of receiving the best, an emotion triggered very acutely by us finding our new home here in Wanaka two years ago. For a while, when we first moved in, I thought there must be a catch, just to realize that this wasn't the case at all. It was just to open and receive. For all of us. We had manifested our dream home, as simple as that. That is all there is to it. 

Now, here comes the interesting part. What this illusion turned into was now when we've got this, everything else has to be perfect, too. I didn't phrase these words per say, but in retrospect I can see that the images I constantly projected onto any situation, was that. Whatever happened had to match the creation of our "perfect home." What stupid crap!!! Well, I caught myself in it, began to understand why I've felt so low and down in the mornings for many months. What a pressure to be under, resulting in a sense of failure if I (and other members of my family) didn't live up to this. I apologized to Peter in front of the whole group in India for all the times I have blamed him. I cried. I have also talked to the kids, in ways that works for them. What a tremendous relief. Peter received the apology with such Grace, sending a apology back to me for his ways of detachment, what he knew had happened for him to avoid openness. 

Now, sitting here writing, this illusion feels completely blown to pieces. The thing is, a few years ago I wouldn't even have known it was there. I may have sensed it, but not known it like I do now. Projecting my inner hurt onto the outside world is easy, at any point. To own issues and fully face them takes time, courage and a certain amount of willpower. I honor myself for not giving up. I honor Peter for jumping into the unknown with me every time I have suggested it, despite him resisting it at the time. 

How wonderful life is. Harmony, joy, passion and love, is now in its wake. Not to mention a deep sense of freedom. I am aware of the fact that I may feel some of these emotions again. Life is like that. Then again, I also know that I don't have to buy into them. They don't have to run my life anymore. Not in any shape or form. They can just move through, every single time. That, in my experience, is the true power of living in freedom. 

Finally. The gratitude. The deep deep gratitude I feel for daring to trod along the path of self-discovery, opening and healing...well, it is immense. It's not just skimming on the surface, but a way of moving forward even when I think I'm done. Because the Journey and opening continues. More and more freedom is available with every step I take. Living with awareness demands this. That I keep seeking. That I evolve. This is the beauty. It's not always easy (damn, is it not!) but always always rewarding. When an issue has been fully felt - dealt with - forgiven - let go of, what is left in its wake is this. A sense of just being.

Life is an absolutely treasure, each and every moment. 

Thank you so much for listening - Hugs, Jeanette

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

When any action comes from love, healing within is natural. When stuck in fear, what is feared may actually be realized. In contradiction, to fully feel fear is different. That allows it through, which is a true blessing. The resistance to fear is what keeps the emotion trapped, enhancing the experience with no way out. To love the self in fearful moments allows the energy, the love being like a soft buffer, urging the emotion on and out. A letting go of intensity can then take place, without attachment or further ado. Fear, so often, is nothing but the imagination of what could be, not a mirror of actual events. Can be at times, but more often than not it is a total illusion, only created within the mind. To open and soften and feel fear fully, is indeed a momentary process. Freedom and light awaits, every single time, as the breakthrough is complete.

That is my direct experience.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Ego is sneaky. Its obvious game is an egocentric one. Hurtful actions and selfish moves. Then again, it may also convince me that I'm acting from the freedom of Soul, even when I'm not. The Ego may sacrifice the beauty of who I am in order to give, all to feel worthy. The Ego may do a lot of good, create great things, entertain, lead and make peace, and it is still not an act of freedom. It is a way to avoid feeling something. The snarls of Ego are many and the only way to know my inner truth, is to fully open. To allow games, strategies, hurt, pain and/or anger to come forth, and then see what remains in its wake.
The Soul can do all of the above, but without being attached to the outcome. The Soul is happy to fully shine and will celebrate others as they do the same, without an agenda or condition in place. The power of Soul will love, unconditionally and fully. Honesty is spoken, but with no need. Integrity comes naturally. A sense of being fully here, each moment of every day, is a sign of living a life from Soul. 

On the outside things may not differ a great deal, but on the inside it will. And ultimately many things will change. Because to live a life from Soul, with the Ego as a passenger rather than the driver, it is (to me) a life of uttermost freedom. The Ego will be there, say it's piece at times, but with awareness I can see and penetrate the game quite soon. Gently I move back to the truth of who I am. The Ego needs my love, but not my attention. The Ego has to be there, but will no longer drive.

And so the journey continues...

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Our own needs has to come first. Not from an ego place, but from a natural place of care for oneself. To nourish the energy, body and emotions of that which we truly are, can only lead to a cup so full it overflows. Naturally. Of its own accord. Because a healed heart will speak of peace. A healthy body have energy to spare. A free mind will speak soothing words, uplifting those in need. Emotions felt and honored prevent judging, as - over and over - feelings are allowed to move through. Light may be find at its core, without striving, without force, every time. An expression of love in every breath, effortless like a flowing river. 

What a wonderful journey to be on!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

As my surrender goes deep enough, I fall into softness. My being is letting go. Nothing has to be controlled from here. Trust is within reach. A profound acceptance welcomes an inner joy that just is. An opening, into each moment. This, rather than achieving anything. At the same time, the joy of moving patiently towards a goal is part of that freedom. Without striving. Without the need to prove anything. I sense this, but am not fully there yet. Here in India, in the company of such gorgeous allowing souls, my every cell wishes to ease the tension of holding on. The Journey of deep inquiry and healing continues, and I completely welcome the fire of it. 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

This is something I've thought of lately:

It's great to be able to laugh at ourselves. To put some humor into daily life can surely take the pressure off at times. However, when humor is used as a means for protection (or on the expense of somebody else) I find it frustrating. Hurtful even. So many say " they're only joking" or "that's just them" or "they didn't mean anything by it." See, I don't get that. If it doesn't feel right I nowadays say a big fat NO to such jokes. It usually means that a person is protecting themselves anyway, simply by throwing a silly joke around. 
Then again, boundaries have to be set with love. Words have to be spoken with integrity and clarity, not force. I've learned that, too. To be assertive is so different from being aggressive, as well as discernment is different from being judgmental. It's not what we do, but how. When humor brings us together, I am happy to laugh. When it puts a wall of separation between people, I am not.

Love to the world!

Sunday, 21 September 2014

To shine as our true selves is not necessarily an easy thing. Influenced by society, our upbringing and mainstream media, we are often molded by outer circumstance, by our own interpretation of the world around us. To truly find oneself, to go within is essential. To still the mind. Because to be present and aware takes us away from judgement and offer a clear pathway to freedom. Clear, but not always easy. To me it means letting go. Simple, but at times very hard to do. In fact, it takes a lot of courage to explore the wast universe we have inside. The willingness to heal and abandon old opinions and ways, may be required. Our safety strategies may be severely challenged. My own experience of finding our core is the same as seeking our basic innocence. To shed the layers of ideas and beliefs we have covered over the shining diamond that we are. It is a priviledge. Because to love ourselves and others with honest acceptance and clear integrity, is within reach. Our soul is like that diamond. To uncover its beauty we have to go deep since the layers of pain may reach through to other lifetimes. Fears which never left our deepest memory, imbedded in our cells. This is my direct experience. Then again, since cells regenerate there is always an opportunity to clear such blockages. Simple processes can bring us there and back again, transforming the energies at our very core. 
To once again, truly shine

Saturday, 20 September 2014

We were born free, conscious, open and aware. The eyes of an infant seems to flow from one object to another, from one face to another, as if they naturally see everything in between. The connection. The light. The vibration of life. Their innocence is completely non-judgmental and has natural integrity, expressing self without restrictions or any protective games. I suggest that this is possible all through life. If we are brave enough to re-ignite this kind of love and trust in our hearts. It will appear slightly different in the expression of an adult. Then again, not. Our protective nature is born out of wounds. The ones we carry and yes, it may serve us at times. As long as we are aware of the illusion. As mature men and woman we may believe in different things, live different lives, but in the end we are connected through this infinite divinity that we once were. That we still are. The lesson is to heal and let go, just to find that in our very core, we are the freedom we seek.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

I treasure those moments, when the sun brings complete peace to my heart. As I am free enough not to hold on, not cling to anywhere I have been or anywhere I may travel, nor to anyone I love. It is a quiet moment in time, of pure breath, inhaling the bliss of just being. Angelic voices seem to sing in those moments, through the dazzling tunes of birds. Celebrating with me, expanding life as it is. It is then that I can recharge. It is then that any "doing" can be born out of Grace. Such moments bring a shining light to all that I create, inspired and moved along by something so much larger than life.

Monday, 15 September 2014

In the midst of exposure, fear and excitement are mingling like confused lovers in me. The old, very very old, emerges in waves, repeating a severe pain from an ancient past. Luckily I see. I know. It is not of this moment. This does not belong to me now. These are stored memories from another lifetime, clearing out of my cells at a catapulting force. Intense like fire but still fleeting, like a rainfall on a sunny day. The way through, is open. No more holding back. No pushing down. I fully welcome this hurt from an existence I can no longer recall. My body held it just to purify my cells as I internally re-live the madness, but only for a moment. Freedom is at its core, a light so bright that I smile the very instant my senses feel it. Once again I am saved by my own inner source, the truest part of my depth. I contemplate, hear a whisper so clear and solemn: Life is a dance of healing and joy, and tremendous love.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

As the heart is filled with passion for something that can naturally serve in the world, an inner force takes over. Fear is pushed aside. Hesitation vanish as a drive, born out of love itself, rise like a fire through my middle. Light pours out of me, surrounding any doubt and uncertainty I may feel. All while excitement and an amazing sense of calm mingle like lovers in my depth. To let go of expectation is a key. Instead, trust and allow. Such dazzling ingredients for success. Whatever that may be. 
It's a sunny day, and I am fully free to be me.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Feelings of spring:

The soft warmth of the sun, embracing me and the world around. Bushes and trees, their wisdom and strength so potent, surrounds me where I am resting. Birds, so effortlessly, doing their thing. Singing as if no one's listening. Flying over treetops to celebrate the gentle start of a new season. Flowers are poking through, white and yellow and bright like life itself. The stillness of the moment brings a joy so soothing that I can remain here, with no thought or plan in mind. It takes me inward, but also allows me to stop. The events of the day shall follow, touched by the wide peace I am now regaining, again.
Have a glorious day, folks!
An open child may teach us how to feel and be present, to fully enjoy the moment and laugh and cry in equal measure. A graceful elder may teach us how to slow right down, how to listen to our wisdom and look after what we hold dear.

Meanwhile, we in the middle may stress too much, feel too little, judge too harshly or try way too hard.

To learn from the young and the old may be our salvation.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

To daringly throw our terrified being into that which is felt to be true, can be awkward and painful at the wrong moment, but incredibly uplifting at the precise one. The whole universe cooperates with such a soul, or any soul ready to soar, to bring about the fruition of that divine precision. 

A mantra to self:
In a dazzling silence, dwelling in the deep infinite space within our being, all of what we are expands and flows like a rapid river over rocks. If we allow our minds to be quiet long enough. If we pay attention. If we dare to let go. Peace of a magnitude unheard of to the thinking mind, is just there. We may fall into its vastness to find ourselves lost, only to be fully found. Here we may rest, recharge, linger. Happiness can find new heights because a sincere well-being, one which doesn't require outer success or riches (nor does it avoid tears or pain) has its residence here. Tears are embraced, not held back. For in this inner universe all pain is allowed. Achievements can be enjoyed and celebrated only none will be worth it if our inner value depends on it. Freedom is to enjoy it all, live it all, dare it all, but without attachment to any outcome or whatever comes to pass. In such a place lies the power of true success, nothing less.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Fear and courage, beginning to really get along inside me. One is not the opposite anymore, only an aspect of itself. A brave step may trigger fear, but it does not ever own my mind, nor my heart. The light inside has earned its presence, claimed a permanent abode in more places than ever. Healing is flooding the shady corners, bringing love to what remains in the dark. Trembling, but not alone. The game has changed. No more chessboard of opposites. Black and white, trying to out-do one another. That is of the old. For I see a golden player, rising up like a star. Thriving on integrity it holds a wisdom wider than me, craving my attention with the strength of a roaring lion. Any heart can open from such a place. To let it in, I am forced to surrender. To share its beauty, I find myself giving for no reason at all. In fact, when fear is felt it can be of help, serve as a reminder of the fragile human experience. Because of just that it empowers such a soul and may aid as I strive for excellence, as I seek to bring out the best in me. Mistakes are allowed and flaws are part of that equation, but neither are ever a measurement of my true existence. Focus becomes pertinent. To enjoy, a simple formula to follow for the rest of my life. Too tired to live superficially, the upholding of any image is crumbling. The pace is slower, yet that which is important gets done. The present moment is always within reach, bringing its validity to the forefront. We are creatures of such grace, humble by nature, often more so than we allow ourselves to be. It's a choice of the heart, difficult for the ones who have settled for less. The ones who believe the value of their being is tinier than that of others. Either the game of arrogance is played, or the victim perhaps, or control issues rule, keeping many great souls lost in this illusion. The clearing of these beliefs may re-set the game board. Sudden shifts can blow the old right out of the water. If we only dare to go there.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

I'm catching up on my own reality, again. Without pointing finger, old "norms" were taught to me by parents and the upbringing I had, by teachers at school, friends, society and a pressure to perform in certain ways. A lot of great things came out of that, but also a bunch of lies. I'm sure the intentions were good, but my interpretation of what I saw and learned became an odd crutch to lean on. Perhaps wounds and memories from other lifetimes played a part, too, with fear and abandonment being of my initial make-up, but also a lot of love.

Joy in its purest form wasn't part of that equation, which is rather sad. It is now, though. Love used to be a need for me, now it's becoming a self-sustained quality which I can share freely, without judgement, without the conditions of my past. For a while my own value was measured by what I accomplished. The rewards of being a generous person, was a must. The illusion of keeping busy was another aspect, as well as staying physically active and capable. If all these were ripped away, I had little left to lean on. Some of these qualities are still true for me, but in a more positive way. My identity does no longer depend on it. Life is slower, but more productive. To achieve from joy is my current motto, not as a measure of self. To be generous from the heart for no other reason than that, is what I prefer. To do with effortless ease, rather than keeping constantly busy, can be quite a challenge. Then again, it works. The flow of existence shows me the way. As I surrender. As I relax. No need to prove anything, just be. Oh, it's wonderful to experience, sometimes through tunnels of old, quite intense emotions. In that case I have to squeeze through the passage; open, allow, just to find myself in the face of light once more. To move my body in whatever way feels right to me, is also important. Not according to some image of what fitness and exercise ought to be like.

An initiation, a deepening of my existence as a soul on this planet, is what is taking place. Again. A confusing journey, at least for the fragile personality I once embodied. So beautifully pushing for attention in my life, I will take notice even when the comfort of the old, despite me wanting to move on, is threatening to block the road. Habits tend to do that. Yet my soul is calling and there is no way back. What I am asking of myself, is to be free. What I seek goes against many of my taught values, all to welcome the embrace of what I already know, deep in my heart.

And so the journey continues...

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

I am very saddened by the news of Robin Williams death, like so many others in this world. He was a wonderful human being who shared so much of himself in the movies he was in, and otherwise. A gem. A bright light. In fact, I found myself yesterday watching a few clips of some of his performances. Instantly I was reminded of the extreme depth he often took on board in the characters he played. Sometimes it was humorous and light, other times extremely deep and profound. In fact, I dare to say life changing. And suddenly I wondered. If a person has such unrestrained access to so much energy and wisdom coming through, then it must be challenging to nourish the smaller self inside. A soul of such magnitude with unhealed wounds, can so easily suffer. They've got it made, right. They have success. Still, if there are emotions left to linger, it may be hard to handle being under such focus and scrutiny. Someone I know encountered Robin Williams once and she said that privately he appeared quite shy and humble. It makes me think of the words Nelson Mandela so famously said as he came out of prison (from a poem by Marianne Williamsson). One line in particular struck me: "It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten us." 
And this brings me to the fact that so many talented people are under extreme scrutiny in the horrible media circus this world has created. These people, or anyone expressing themselves creatively, are so courageous in my opinion, putting themselves out there with all their talent, skill and passion. It makes a person great, but also vulnerable. They are put down, in particular by these horrible magazines we see on the shelves in shops all over. They are taken to the cleaners for every step and action they do. For what? So other people will feel comfortable in their cozy existence of ignorance? So other people don't feel bad that they don't dare to shine? I don't know. We all have the capacity to be bright stars. We don't have to be famous to be so, just true to our own hearts. It's just that when a person becomes famous they are suddenly public material, as if any privacy has been deleted from their realm. It requires a lot of inner strength do deal with this kind of attention, positive or negative. To be who we are is our birthright. To express our uniqueness and glory in this world, isn't that what we so beautifully owe ourselves? So let's celebrate these brave souls for showing us the way to greatness. Let's be inspired, uplifted, touched, brought to tears. They are wonderful, but not perfect. They are open, but not bullet proof. Their gift to others ought to be deeply respected. The need to find their flaws is only petty and cowardly. We all have faults and we all make mistakes, famous or not. There is no need to put these people on imaginary stools and then let the cheap media flick them off on the behalf of those who live a more mediocre life. Nothing wrong with mediocre, but that kind of media is downright wrong. All to make money. So there's no wonder that many famous people struggle. If you feel like going to the store on a bad day and the world make a story about you which isn't true, taking pictures and lying and creating drama, then I imagine it would be hard to meet that inner child that perhaps is a little lost and tired. Also, the internal process of such extreme exposure must be confusing in any case, media rudeness or not. Or so I imagine. I don't claim that I know what went on inside of Robin Williams mind. He was hugely celebrated, which is wonderful. I just explore the phenomena of being talented and well-known. Sense what it might be like to be so creatively open to the world and yet human, all the same. In the end of the day we are all equal, in all aspects of the word. This will be our greatest virtue as we move forward in my sense. To lift each other up regardless. To trust that we are perfect as we are, all while polishing our own skills and abilities. We ought to help one another when we loose our footing, hug each other when we cry. This, I sense, will bring about more peace in this world, without losing the ambition.

With that I say, may your soul soar Robin Williams. Wherever you are now. You left an in print on this world that will touch many for years to come, and for that I am deeply grateful.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

To go against my own "norm" can be challenging, however much I wish to change my ways. The memory of what has been is safe. A human trade. To hold on. To stick to the known. All while life is all but that. Life is a mystery to unfold. A moment to moment journey of the heart. If we dare to follow the impulse, that is. The extraordinary depth of love calling us home. To capture it we've got to pay attention. Then again, in truth we cannot capture anything. We can only allow. And the dazzling truth of each moment shall whisper in our ear, if we are brave enough to listen. 
Routine and organization has a place, but a delicate act of balance will bring mystery into that. To trust that all is good whatever happens, is not an easy task for my frightened human mind. However, the magic of life will never break what's important, only add wonder to the settled base I've already created. Then again, at times the "norms" are completely blown out of the water. They have to be. Perhaps I loose my footing. If I get too comfortable. If I trap myself in the snares of my own ego. In the wild there is no comfort. Such trust was forgotten. Dependent beings may grasp for truth in material things, in proof, in all of that which is tangible. The scales has tipped too far towards the physical and logical. Forgetting, so sadly, about the great mystery. 
It is changing, though. The scales are shifting. The power of each individual is that of a roaring lion, not a sheep in a herd. The modern world has denied so much. Yet, the seams are bursting. The potential within is crying to come out. How much longer can we cover ourselves with endless stories? Ideas based on emotions we're ready to move on from? Any web of safety will make me fuzzy and warm, but it may be what's trapping me in my illusion. The contradictions are many, since everything has meaning all the same. Every moment, every leaf, every piece of matter. It's how we identify our own value on the things outside of ourselves, that holds us back. Sticks in the wheel of life, preventing the flow. It has also been used by some of those in power. To keep us blind. It's time to stand strong and trust that we are lions, not sheep. That we are great sparks of light, not the ashes below the flames. Powerful, responsible and capable, we are souls on this Earth here to create miracles. In small or large ways, it doesn't matter. Claiming our true essence is a recap of the innocence we knew at the beginning of life, only to live it fully with the awareness of our years. 
The time has come.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

To touch a place inside that is fragile and vulnerable, scares me. I'm confused. I'm restless. Then again, I haven't had the courage to go this deep before. To allow whatever is shall hold me in a place of light, soothing me to the core. Angel wings embrace my being, bringing me closer to Source. Many times, through life and healing, I thought I had arrived somewhere just to find that it goes deeper. Yes, often when I thought I had it sussed, I'm thrown into another challenge. An ocean of wisdom awaits to be explored and integrated, like a wide open sky, there to comprehend. My ego has to step aside. A quiet passenger, an observer of the soul and nothing else. When I dare, I break through. As I open, clarity arrives. Such a glorious mystery. I'm learning to trust on so many levels. To give and receive in an even balance. To not loose my footing. What an act of grace. I will release the past by acknowledging each step, each wound, every memory as it was. To express myself fully has been terrifying at times, but there's no room to hold back any longer. The mystery in the wake of forgiveness is contagious and uplifting, sometimes frightening. The journey of my soul ahead. For in a dazzling garden of peace shall I find solitude. I can rest for an eternity there, but I will not. For another liberation will come to pass. Joy beyond measure. Freedom from a busy mind. To instead be love as it is, is a privilege. No more needs to pin me down, only passages of emotions to explore. Every time I meet the force of doubt shall it lead me further. No more fear to hold me back. For if I remain aware, as I sink into my depth, any such state can be transformed in a place where resistance turn to golden dust. Where I am who I truly am. 

Another chapter of growth.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

I've written about this below - emotional evolution and healing - many times and in different ways. It's such an important part of our growth on this planet, individually and collectively, that it's worth going over many times. At least I think so. Change is a process and the spark and insight has to come from within. 
This here is what I constantly cultivate: 

Inner peace is not the same as never being emotional. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Our emotions are only states of being which we move through. What we feel at certain times, for whatever reason, is our human experience. The mistake we often do is that we either suppress our emotions or we gossip about them, or we lash out. If we are still enough and open when an emotion arise, if we fully feel what is going on inside, then it will pass. It's only an experience, not who we are. The energy will simply peak and leave. It's like being in a spinning wheel where the core is moving peacefully, but further out the speed and energy can be quite frantic. We can sit in the middle and experience all of the wheel without getting caught in the storm. We can peacefully flow through life, while feeling all of it all the same. Or, we can let ourselves be thrown into the spin. I wish to find my center in this way since I feel it's not only part of my own evolution, but of the entire world. Our way to peace goes via the within.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

My affirmation right now is something I know of, but is easy to forget. To fear, to doubt, to not believe, is tempting. Impatience is also one of my bad habits. Still, I am abundant. Always and ever. You are abundant. Always and ever. The only one standing in our way, is us.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Abundance is not just about money. It's how we live with inner riches that count, as well as how we handle outer wealth. It's a process of knowing how to create abundance, how to maintain it and how to share it around. Three stages and all part of it. If one stage is stuck, it won't flow that well. We can have little money and live an abundant life or we can have loads, and not be abundant at all. If we horde, we stall. If we don't nourish what we have, we stall. If we are unable to receive, we stall. Our possessions is not who we are. Not at all. If our heart is open we can enjoy any kind of success. Because as the beautiful souls we are, I believe we all are naturally abundant. It's created within.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Frost spreading on the ground outside my window. Glistering like diamonds. Morning light, touching the surface with gentle winter rays. About to make coffee. Feeling my limbs. Kids off in different direction. Only the girl's on the couch. Cartoons on TV. Spots nearly healed. Celebrating. Chicken pox ticked off. Cat curled up, like a fluffy pillow on the chair opposite me. Dog by my side, seeking my touch; paws in the air, soft nose against my skin, eyes of devotion meeting mine. But I look outside. The sky is blue in places, but bulky clouds seem to take over. The sun is quietly ruling. A tail is wagging when I move my hand. The voices of a silly story and the tune of clothes tumbling in the wash machine, is all I hear. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Coffee.
It's Friday, and I'm happy.

Monday, 21 July 2014

I'm against vaccinations. Anyone who has read my face book page knows this since I've been open with my views on this matter for quite sometime. Now, however, I find myself taking a step back from the whole debate. I know what I know and feel in my heart, but I stick to my stance more quietly nowadays. This debate is getting nasty. The accusations, name-calling and rude tone has become something else. In the States even laws are suggested forcing people to be vaccinated. Well, to do something against the true will of others is not of freedom. "Non-believers" fight for the cause, too. It's okay, I guess, but I'm not interested in a fight. What I'm interested in is the truth of the matter, along with so many others out there. I like to spread information and my own experience in simple ways, all so friends and family (perhaps others too) can make a choice from hearing all sides. More than anything else I would like to penetrate the lies around this, or at least find and share information that the mainstream media or the medical forum doesn't provide.

I've been called an armchair scientist because I search for information on the Internet, which is rather odd. That's where you can find information not available elsewhere! It's where, as well as in books and articles, you can read an alternative. Of course you have to be discerning and look closely at what you read, but that goes without saying. By finding reports of direct cases of harm after shots has been the most valuable, yet very sad part. Still, these cases speak for themselves. And, well, there are plenty of those. Initially it was my intuition screaming a loud and clear NO to vaccinations as our first child was born, and my interest in the subject spurred from there. Still, to fight others over "who's right" is both immature and foolish in my opinion. We have the right to choose. All of us do. We have the right to gather information and to weigh pros and cons so we can make decisions right for us. I don't think there is one-answer-fits-all. The freedom to think and choose for ourselves is worth standing up for.

Where I live, so far, this has been reasonably easy. Three healthy non vaccinated kids are my proof of it being the right decision for us. All of what I've learned over the years about holistic health, natural healing and the tremendous pressure the body is under when too many toxins enter into it, is proof enough for me. Something's gone so wrong in this debate. It has actually become personal and threatening. A political matter. A money matter. To me, anyone forcing others to do something to serve their own agenda, hides something. There's no way around this fact as far as I am concerned. Information plus our instincts and the freedom to think for ourselves, is the best base we can stand on. As for the future, many things will come to light around this. I'm sure of it. Lies will be revealed (as all lies are in the end). I hope more people will stand up for their rights, in particular our right to choose. Not just blindly follow what is being suggested. To make an educated decision is so important regardless of what the decision ends up being.

How things will unfold, I don't know. In the meantime, I'm more than happy with our own choice and I accept others, whatever road they may travel.

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

For the reader. This is my own experience, so take it as such. You may have a different take on things. 

Teenagers are great! Our awesome adolescence! Exploring life! Living fully! Well, in my experience they have a wild, free and curious nature (in general) but they are also grumpy and moody, critical and self-centered. Loving, too, but I'm talking about the time when hormones, testosterone, periods and other changes hit their young beings with such a tremendous force that an earthquake is pale in comparison. Not easy! It's good to remember our own teenage years at those times, isn't it? For as parents we have to hold onto our hat. So important to stay focused with an open and loving heart. Behavior and moods varies from child to child, of course, but to understand that being a teenager means massive inner (and outer) changes, is essential in my view. Things will go wrong at times. They just do. Awkward words come out, the wrong actions as well as silly behavior and thoughtless moves. If we as parents base our view from this place rather than thinking that our own child may be an exception (only amazing and never a challenge) then it may be easier. For everyone. We may not judge other teenagers for starters, nor their parents. Our children's friends in particular. For if we stay open when the behavior of other teens go off the rails a bit, then we may have the awareness to be understanding rather than judgmental. We may need to correct mistakes, but with the heart in the right place. To get stuck in comparison is only foolish. Comparing other kids to our own children. No point. I've seen it happen. No good. Instead, what if we became a community that understands our teens? Who work together to set boundaries and examples and act as each others supporters when needed? I've seen that happen, too, which is so great.

Kids will rebel, more or less, but in my experience (so far) the more I trust my teen, the more appropriate behavior I see. It slips, but bounces back. And the more we set clear guidelines and boundaries and give them responsibility, the more our teens will feel safe. They will come for cuddles, talks and quality time. On their terms.

Oh, I might sound like I pretend to know it all here, but believe me, I don't. I just explore the ultimate, often insights found through making mistakes. I find it exhausting but so exciting to parent a teen. I'm lucky, too, because I have the tremendous privilege to have a home where many of our children's friends tend to hang out. I get to know them, guide them, feed them, talk to them. It's fantastic. Such a great bunch of kids. Loud at times. Crazy. Energetic. Full of fun and mixed emotions. Our babies are growing up! But I wouldn't want it any other way. So today I celebrate all parents of teens! We have great kids, ups and downs included, moods and grunts right in the mix.

Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The very moment we feel an urge to defend ourselves, act out or withdraw, precisely then love yourself. Stop and close your eyes. Open your heart. Take a breath and send loving thoughts to you. Surround whatever is going on with light and love. You may want to ask which part that is reacting and nourish that particular part. Often it's the child in us, repeating a pattern of wounded behavior from far back.

This act of nourishing prevents us from judging and it brings our true power back. It can be a humbling, sometimes painful to meet what we truly feel, but always empowering. Compassion and love grows out of such awareness, the very qualities which can heal humanity as well as ourselves. 

It all starts within.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Nothing is ever so important that you can't take a break, a breather, a moment to recharge. In fact, as we begin to honor our energy in such a way, it is as if the universe hears the whisper. Our own trust will nourish the heart, and life begins to flow. A lot will happen with less effort. Our intentions have to be clear, our sense of direction open. To then let go and let everything unfold, is a wonderful magical key. The response is manifestation, so beautifully helping us heal and find what we truly seek.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

More important than academic brilliance is our ability to love, our deep sense of connection. When we stop often enough to feel this connection, we will naturally begin to nourish ourselves and others. Because in our hearts we know. We all sense what is best for us, in each and every moment. And I can tell you right now, it is not to rush from one thing to another. I'm sure of it. At least not when it's done at the cost of our health, our children, our partners in life or our own sense of presence and fulfillment. It's amazing how much more can be done when it's done from awareness and trust. The "doing" just happens then, without force, without a fight, without struggle. There is no race. No need to get anywhere. Only a sense of living a great life of joy and love, of keen initiative and great creative passion. The rest can then happen of its own accord.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

This is my direct experience:

As human beings we walk around with internal programs, most likely created in childhood, including more or less healthy and/or destructive habits and beliefs systems. We all have suppressed emotions lurking inside of us, in one way or another. We have held onto defenses to protect ourselves, made ourselves look better or held ourselves back so we don't stand out too much. When we are here to truly shine! As we are! No from ego, but with aliveness, passion and love! Like children so often do. 

I am in total awe with the Journey work. I have worked part-time with this amazing tool for inner healing for 10 years and I am still gob-smacked, every time. After helping out at a Journey Intensive in Auckland last weekend, I feel amazing. Just to be in that energy and help others process, have processes done on myself, is a real gift. And to meet people in this way, beyond the games, is freeing in itself. The simple yet powerful way in which these guiding tools can bring us to the core of any matter we are ready to heal, is astounding. So natural, organic, and completely beyond the thinking mind. In a few hours the opportunity is there, to free ourselves of issues we may have held onto for years. At times it takes a few processes, but it is still no time in comparison to the time we have let it run our lives negatively. As we go deep in this way and seek forgiveness, emotions naturally arise. It may be intense, but only for a moment, only to bring us to freedom. It is a journey, though. Not a one-off solution. The more we come to the core of our issues and let go, however, the more love we can experience. We can live with less drama, more clarity and much more joy. 

I so love this work.

Monday, 16 June 2014

All feelings are what they are but one emotion I've struggled to deal with, is guilt. Yes, for various reasons guilt has been a big issue for me in life. Therefore I've been forced to learn about it. Accept it. Heal it. Move on and let go. It used to consume me, totally and utterly. It did so without me knowing, too, which is the sad part. Now when guilt arises I process what I feel and quite soon it leaves my body and being. Still hurts, though. Still feels awful, but only for a moment. See, I know better now. I experience guilt as a poison, tearing on the insides with its sharp claws, preventing my heart from receiving, making me feel like I owe the world something. What a lie. And over the course of my life "tests" have emerged accordingly. In fact, the latest one came my way today. From a place of deep awareness, when someone put that pressure on me, when a person makes me feel like I owe them something (when I don't) I just know it's their stuff now and not mine. True generosity comes from the heart. It flourishes from an unconditional place free of any demands. Nowhere else. Gifts ought to be honored, not craved. I like to give, but not at the cost of my own energy. I like to reside in my heart - live, receive and give from there, always and forever - but I'm still learning. I still make mistakes but the good thing is, I never do it for long. I never get stuck there. Not like I used to. 
This is part of being free for me...

Saturday, 14 June 2014

If we look at everything we are given in life as a gift - if we never take anything for granted - if we open our hearts and expressed gratitude for all that is coming our way - then we'll create a wonderful humble light within. A beauty which will only create more abundance and shine onto others the inner riches which we possess. Material focus and overly competitive minds, sway from this. To experience such gratitude is not a process coming from the head. No, you can never think your way to such a state. It has to be deeply felt. Neither does it mean own nothing. It just gives us the power to know what's important. To understand and trust and learn as we fail, to celebrate and sing when we succeed. To honor everyone who gives to us means we can receive the gifts with grace, and this brings us to a place where our own giving heart can burst open. And see how these gifts will naturally be passed on...

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The freedom of not being sure opens up for trust, faith and letting go, so the flow of life can naturally happen. Often a scary thing to do in a world where we are taught to be in control. We are only in control of ourselves, however. How we react, what we do with our feelings, where we see ourselves in the future. So what we choose in each moment is our ultimate power and what a wonderful power to have. Because from here we can create our outer experience by allowing the law of attraction, drawing to us the very mirror of the reality we see and feel inside.  

That's what I needed to say to myself today....

Monday, 9 June 2014

The secret to our existence is available within. Haven't we all heard this? Many times, too? But what does it mean? Well, I can only share my own experiences because how this is felt, may differ. Then again, I think we all end up in the very same source in the end, as we let go. 

To me it's a whisper, felt rather then thought. It's a moment when I loose touch with my opinions, my past, my plans, and I am present only here and now. It happens when my being is so still that the song of a tiny bird can reach deep into my core, touching the very strings of that which I am made of. It's when my heart is so open that all I feel is love, regardless. A darker route takes me there also. When pain and hurt is so overwhelming that I can barely breathe. When I think it's not possible to go any further into what I feel, when I am tempted to distract myself in any way possible. If I stay still then. If I soften and open, allowing the emotion to be fully felt, the roaring intensity will eventually fade. And there I find it, every time. Light and peace - in an incredible sense of being one with all. From here I just know the truth of each moment for me. What is not of love, hurts somehow. What is of love, clearly directs me. 


Thursday, 29 May 2014

There is more love in receiving, than in giving. More love in nourishing ourselves, than in constantly spreading ourselves thin. Because a soul who is loved from within, can love others fully. Anything else is just a show. A self promoting act which may be nice, but has little to do with unconditional love. Gratitude serves our inner world because the truly grateful know how to love. They have mastered the delicate art of constant healing, connected to an inner sense of letting go.
From there anything is possible.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

If we try to uphold an image that everything is perfect in our lives, we will rip ourselves off from connecting to others through our wonderful humanity. American Indians knew this well. If a dress was made too perfect, a small rip somewhere would represent this humanness. Also, the saying It's a good day to die speaks of a moment when everything is so perfect that the need for learning is no longer valid. 

Then, the contradiction...

If we instead push our abilities down, make ourselves small and insignificant, we may rip ourselves off from shining from our true essence. Many people who have healed enough, know this truth. They see past the imperfections to a wonderful glory embracing all of what we are, residing in the depth of our hearts, allowing us to fully radiate the beauty of being alive.

So to allow both our strength and vulnerability, is the key. To be successful and able to fail, laugh and cry, be celebrated and uplifted as well as have our heart broken. That is authentic living - a route of acceptance - a journey of love. In my sense it is also a way of letting the doors fly open, so more peace can flood in, more light and laughter. Eventually (hopefully) this may nourish everyone on this glorious Earth, including the planet itself. 

It begins within.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Despite connecting to my inner wisdom on a daily basis and despite sensing a "truth" or two, it is daunting when everything sort of falls down inside, for no particular reason. I mean, when all is as I want it to be on the outside, but somehow old emotions - from other lives perhaps - come crushing in like tsunami waves onto the shore of my own existence. I feel lost, alone and scared right now. Just goes to show that the material world is not the source of happiness, only an extension of our creation. I am happy, though. Funny contradiction, that. I do live where I want to live together with the people I want to be with. This just seems like a forceful energy I've carried inside for god knows how long, needing to be released. Then again, as I reach deep enough I hear a whisper, telling me to let it all go. Just release the grip, it says. Focus on the very situation you are in, only that. To do the best I can in every scenario and situation in my life is all it takes. Easy? Phew. Sounds like it. It's like my soul is testing me right now, to really live fully in the moment. To have goals, yet need nothing. To love people, but without attachment. Most importantly, to love myself regardless. The inner child in me is grieving for some odd reason that I do not understand. It feels old. Ancient even. From another existence when I was not seen or heard in any shape or form.
Time to let it all go.

Thanks for listening.

Monday, 19 May 2014

As soon as we've had a real taste of being true to ourselves and others, it hurts being anything but...

Friday, 16 May 2014

I believe one of the biggest lessons for us humans, is to accept differences. In the core we're all the same, but the blueprint varies. The way our energy is brought forth is very very different. If we come from love and openness we may be one of the fortunate ones, however. To have the wisdom to keep our integrity intact, sharing from that place, as well as enhance empathy and find the importance of a listening ear, is a privilege. It's the height to which we can reach while being a soul in physical form. Cooperation, team work and an honoring of everyone's strength, including our own, will create a network of support and expression. Already happening, but also not. It's our own responsibility to find this within ourselves, to be able lift humanity to a more loving place.
I'm in!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

          An honest exploration of a part of this journey, called life. 

As a sense of being powerless hits my conscious mind, I may despair, but only for a moment. Not wanting to please the ego, I surrender. Fall into the vastness. Allow its intensity. Old inner games, feeding memories of being abandoned - not cared for or listen to - are yet again playing with my mind. Of course (I may say) there is no point dwelling on the old, but neither is it to deny that such emotions appears. If they do, they are ready to free me from its devastating grip. Only Acceptance heals. Resistance keeps it in place. Open like the skies, I may reach a point where the fragile ego can be fully embraced, uplifted by my soothing soul. Powerlessness becomes power, once again, without the need to prove itself in any shape or form. Inner peace expands from such a state. Self love speaking louder than words, to the point of flowing over. And the potential for me to share the riches of who I truly am, with the world, becomes beautifully potent.
While the fire purrs. While the silence of the night lulls me to sleep.
Life is good.

Love to you all!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

           The future

More stillness - less stress

More awareness - less stupidity

More health - less toxins

More hugs - less fighting

More presence - less distraction

More heart - less fear

More smiles - less tears

More people - less politics

More responsibility - less blame

More fun - less striving

More confidence - less hesitation

More sharing - less hiding

More joy - less despair

More love - less hate

More us - less I

Our bodies are amazing - a micro system of delicate yet powerful connections, a web of energy between every component and every single cell. A mini universe, really. And each time we knock ourselves out of balance, our inner machinery is there to heal and restore, eager to create more vitality and joy. All we need to do is refill with the good stuff, eat healthy non-toxic food (as much as we are able to) and add natural vitamins and minerals if we are lacking in this area (there are ways to test that). To also release emotional blocks, often stored from long ago, gives us the potential to clear our cells of the impact suppressed emotion have on our overall well-being. To also find ways to empty our mind and be present, is essential. Connect to our breath and bodies. The latter can of course be done by meditating, but for others a walk on the beach, yoga, a run in nature, a bike-ride, a hike etc etc, is what brings them to the here-and-now.  
Makes sense, doesn't it? And still, we stress. Many avoid their emotions, rushing in order to distract themselves. A lot of the world is set up with cheap fast food and excess of alcohol is a too common practice, as well as drug intake. From the mainstream medical arena, to take prescribed drugs to heal symptoms (rather than going to the core of an issue) is the norm. To vaccinate has become a threat to those who think otherwise, as well as the right to heal in whatever way we wish. Big companies, with profit interest only, has way too much power. To me it's not a conspiracy theory anymore, but a reality. 
Still, I sense that behind the scene, shifts are happening. Silent events of enormous magnitude that cannot be stopped. Such positive awakenings forces people to ask the right questions and choose new ways. Because they want to. Because they feel it is right. Therefore I believe in the future. Therefore I feel that much will change, despite (or perhaps because of) many of the challenging events that are happening in the world right now. True power lies within and when enough humans know what this means, waves of openings will just happen. Already has, but more will come. Many more.
So I believe.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

To truly live from the heart takes a great deal of awareness. To understand that the head ought to be of service to the heart, not the other way around, can be a difficult concept to grasp. Our thinking mind is great, but has been given way too much importance in modern society. To find balance we need to go inside, feel our own heart and its tremendous power. And the secret is that the nature of the heart is to first and foremost receive, not give. The giving comes as a result of receiving. Something we as humans often get wrong. To give can become a way to be a good. A concept. An idea. Wonderful, yes, but not necessarily unconditional. Because it's when we fully receive from life, with deep gratitude and grace (not from ego) that we can fill ourselves to such a degree that the heart simply swells over. Giving will just happens from such a state. No agenda. No need. It's inevitable. I've met people who give and give, but refuse to receive. It can, if we're not careful, be a way to boost the self or clear a conscience. To fill our own heart - with the gifts available to us - may be essential, naturally creating a ripple effect of giving all around.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Each time we are challenged in life and are able to by-pass unhealthy judgement, we can own our own reaction, feel the emotions and let go. And if we persist, a wonderful pattern of constantly freeing ourselves, can begin. Quite simple in terms of the process, but difficult due to the culture many of us have been brought up in. With the western world being fast, attached to achievement and intellectual status, we often get stuck in projecting; an act separating our true self by seeking approval and/or power via the outside world. To honor the individual at the cost of a sense of community, may happen as a result. Even so, softened by the need to come together, things are changing. We can see it in social media and the overall consciousness. Humanity is waking up. And to maintain our focus on that which evolves positively as a whole, can bring forth what really is important. Values no money can buy can then be pushed to the forefront; family, community, creativity and so forth. Because as we focus less on money and profit, our inner passion has a chance to flourish. More emphasis can be on health and the environment, not to mention a different kind of success, the kind serving others as well as ourselves.

And so we shall have a life of love.  

Friday, 18 April 2014

Negativity feed on negativity. That is a given. This doesn't mean we have to be ridiculously positive all the time (in my opinion more or less impossible) but it means we can learn to feel our negative vibe, accept it for what it is, and then choose to let it go. It means (through this openness) that we constantly find the silver lining. Every event carries a gift, somewhere at its core. This is my direct experience. I find when people live in such a way they appear lucky and fortunate, but none of what happens is due to them being more special. It's a matter of perception, perspective and a kind of awareness which nourish healing and a wider acceptance. What happens may not be okay, the actions of others are perhaps inconceivable, but the acceptance of the event as something there for a reason, will teach us things. Life lessons. Designed to bring us deeper so we open to more of who we are. Bitterness never grow in such people. Grief is felt. Sadness, too. As well as love. None of it gets stuck, though. It is felt and moves through, preparing us for the next moment. The way of such a soul is the constant return to its initial state; the bright light that we are.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

When we guide, teach, train or support others in some way, if we allow ourselves to just turn up, no agenda, no needs or wants. Just be there as an open presence and let our abilities flow, then (somehow) what we know and have learned can do what it's meant to. In that precise moment the wonderful strength of our soul can blossom, our natural gifts (and trained skills) can be utilized to fully serve. Because in the light of such humility and divine trust, our ego falls away and insecurities fade.

What I consider magic can then happen of its own accord...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Ego is the pain of needing something to be of value, based on the fear of not being enough without such a validation. To appreciate and enjoy compliments and feed-back, is not necessarily ego based. The games of ego vary from person to person. Meaning, it's not just the self-centered that operate from such a place. Even the act of giving may come from ego, if it comes from the need to be validated as a good giver. A drive to be successful, unique, knowledgeable, fun. The ways to satisfy the ego are endless. Still, all these above can be experienced from freedom rather than ego, which is the potential as we heal. In the chase of worthiness, our ego needs love. Our own love. Because as we recognize and love ourselves, flaws and all, our judgements begin to settle. The heart opens. Joy flows in. Freedom is felt. Then again, the ego can be sneaky. We have to constantly learn how this needy part craves our attention, how it tries to be validated by the outside world. To send love to ourselves before we judge, withdraw, preach or try to pull others into our game, is essential. Love is the answer. A cliche perhaps, but no less true. It is the deep acceptance of ourselves that will bring us to our true core. It is a journey, emotional clarity and healing leading us there. Perhaps the deepest reason to why we are here on earth. From such a profound depth it is impossible to judge or if we do, the letting go is not far away. Forgiveness becomes natural to such a soul. We don't have to like everything we see and experience, far from it, but in this state of liberation we are no longer stuck in the needs of ego. We have befriended that part to such a degree that it doesn't have to do its dance. Perhaps this is enlightenment. Perhaps just inner peace. What is for certain is that life is a road of many pitfalls and struggles but the ones seeking the freedom of heart, will begin to find it, one step at the time, revisiting its wisdom each time the road is lost. Because the urges of ego is no less than a separation from our true selves.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

To have the honor to support someone's inner healing, is what I've trained to do. I don't work a lot with the Journey at the moment, but every time I do I am reminded of the incredible power of allowing emotions through, of the deep letting go as we do so. In a 2-3 hours process a person can meet years of anger, resentment, hurt, pain. Painful, yes, but only for a moment. My job is to keep them in it so they won't distract themselves from the core of what is there. When break through happens, it's amazing to be part of. The face usually relaxes - body softens - being opens. Emotions is a great word. Sounds like in motion, doesn't it? Basically energy that needs to move. Suppressed emotions don't move. They get stuck, somewhere in our cells. Still, we have an opportunity to free ourselves at all times. By accepting and by feeling, by allowing and opening. I love these amazing healing tools. In harmony with the body and being, and in touch with our souls.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

                                     The light and wonder that we all are

The more present I become. The more I allow each moment to fully embrace me. The more affected I am by stress and/or superficial encounters. I wish to honor others and feel honored back. Not so much for achievements, but for the gifts we were born with (and have nourish through life). For that which makes us thrive. I wish to laugh, share and listen, in equal measure. We all have gifts. Treasures which ought to be celebrated and brought forth. Because the light in our eyes and the abilities we possess, are so very golden. We are different, of course. Yet again, at the core we are not. The downplaying of greatness can really hurt me. It hurts when I do it and when others do it, to ourselves or others. To uplift our beauty and strength, sharing openly when we see it in another, is a true privilege. And when any of us are vulnerable, speak of it with love. Feel it. Allow it. No judgement. No defenses. No drama or hiding. We are strong, but have moments when we are not. All of us feel this, more or less. To be soft and kind to our fragile human ways, is essential. Because with such openness, beauty is enhanced. Our souls can beautifully dazzle and love, in every direction, shall multiply and expand.
So I think it is. For humanity to be brought into a wonderful greatness.

Have a great, loving and beautiful week! Jeanette

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The people who appear the strongest, can be very vulnerable and soft inside. Others who appear weak or quiet, often have real strength in their depth. What appears on the surface is like a protective game. In this case, the strong wants to hide their weakness and the weak their strength. Both out of fear. If we stay open in our encounters with others. If we meet each person with an open heart, they might open theirs, show who they truly are. To be vulnerable may be so freeing for the strong. To cultivate their true strength, uplifting for the weak. So much is not what it seems. Love to you all! J

For anyone out there who know they are sensitive energetically, this bit is for you. You may have felt more tired and pushed, even weird lately. I certainly have. I just read how the collective energy around our planet and humanity is fast moving at the moment. April will be like pressing "fast forward." I read that sensitive people, souls who have chosen to be so-called light workers of this time of our evolution, will feel this acutely. There are quite a few of us around. You know if this is your path. These are beings who channel the new energy through themselves, to anchor it into the Earth. That is simply speaking anyway. It can be very intense at times. And in the article I read it said that these people may need a bit extra care during this period. Interestingly, I read this on Monday. On Tuesday evening I hardly slept because so much energy was flowing through me. My crown Chakra (on top of my head) was buzzing. I was wired and wide awake, yet tired all the same. Then the next day I was completely wiped out. Phew. So I cancelled our dance lesson and Yoga on Thursday morning, and slept. I slept and slept and slept, for pretty much 15 hours straight. Incredible. As I finally woke I felt joy again. I experienced an intense stillness and bright awareness. Very acutely so. All colors around me had a stronger vibrancy too them. So beautiful.
I also had a little guardian angel looking after me while I slept. Our gorgeous dog Chessie. She stayed under my side of the bed the entire time, even into the day (apparently she even refused to come out when the kids called her). As I finally woke up she was all over me with licks and cuddles. Bless her.

Wonderful times ahead, so allow yourself to rest fully when needed during this time. Pay attention to your dreams (I was dreaming like crazy last night) and look after yourself. What is happening is important and amazing. So hang in there!

Love Jeanette

Sunday, 30 March 2014

There are moments in life when we doubt ourselves. Well, most of us do, at some point or another. Or so I believe anyway. In my experience it's not the fact that we do this that is the problem. It is how we act that matters. I've found there is a way to be at peace with doubt. It's possible to just sit with it. Let it be. What is beneath can then begin to shine through and doubt, so beautifully, can turn into enough clarity to move forward.
Recently I was in a conversation regarding work where I felt unsure. What I did was allowing space to really listen to the other person, acknowledge her suggestions and accept where she came from. Since I still felt doubt I gave myself the most precious thing I had in that moment: time. I did this by asking if I could ring back. As I hung up I observed and felt any emotion that arose in me. I also spoke to a friend and colleague (who is involved with the situation) and soon more understanding came through. After also feeling my body, recognizing what the situation had triggered in me, I was able to overcome my uncertainty and be clear. I rang back and spoke from this place, with appreciation for our negotiation and for both of us, for who we are. No judgement was needed. No fear was acted out as defensiveness (which can happen) nor was the urge to escape. It felt honest, so doubt fell away. And I let go. The rest is no longer up to me, so to speak. Still with these events ahead of me, I can now ride on top of the wave. Let everything just unfold, as it will.
Freedom is yet again found...

Saturday, 29 March 2014

The pace of life is not set
it is a flow
a delicate rhythm, felt within
from the heart and deeper

We run ahead
get busy and beat
strive or get stuck
but the body knows better

Watch a river move
so fast one moment
slow the next
smoothly crossing obstacles
not fighting the way of things

So there is a way
a place of peace
where trust is nourished
and all is allowed
to be

Eyes will open
the mind accepting
practicing words of care
through any challenge or emotion
and so the river flows...

Hi everybody!

I've decided to start my own blog! How exciting is that! I've been thinking about it for quite some time, so it feels great to finally get started. It will be a place for me to share what comes to mind and through the heart. Since the written word is the best tool I've found to express myself through, it is only natural. As long as I've been able to pick up a pen and write, I've loved it. Diaries, stories, some articles and now a book (in the making) So I guess this is just an extension of what I have already done for years. Insights, inspiration, spirituality and healing are often topics I gravitate towards. Many of you have seen my many inputs on face book. So if you like what I have to say, please go in here when it feels right and see what appears. I don't really know myself yet, since it will be stories out of life, lessons learned and insights that come to me in moments of clarity.

So, I welcome you to join me on this journey!

Hugs, Jeanette