Monday 24 November 2014

This is my experience: 

The absolute best gift we can give ourselves and others is to honor whatever passion, joy and truth we have in the depth of our being. To love every part as it is. To allow healing and changes as they occur within that love, to naturally happen. Ah, what treasures to behold. As an opening to a wider consciousness takes place, we may find that we are forever supported by life itself. We are the creators, first by our initiation and then by letting go. The contradictions of the universe are many. By being respectful to who we truly are, by honoring what we promise ourselves and others, virtues holding any soul to a high standard, is a privilege. Not a standard of a "high horse", but a place of love. Honesty and integrity are tools on such a journey. The light inside may then be brought forth, so all else can fall away. In the shadow of our being may we love love love, not only in the light. May forgiveness be the door we walk through, to find what is hidden within such a blessed act of Grace.

All is here, in this moment of existence. All is here.

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