Wednesday 17 December 2014

As we speak and connect to others from an honest and genuine place, it is felt. We can "learn how to be", but the best way, I feel, is to express our own uniqueness with less need to impress or achieve, and more sharing who who we truly are. Ironically, this is when we "perform" the best. This is usually when others can truly hear us, not to mention appreciate us. This is what I saw in my son's end of year speech yesterday. I encouraged this, and he delivered. Naturally. Without putting on a show. Only he and what he felt at this particular time in his life. It was felt by everyone, I think. The feed-back was phenomenal. When someone speaks from the heart like that, it is felt. The words have more meaning because so often we can relate then, in one way or another. 

Love love love and Merry Christmas!


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